CICSplex Service Task Details attribute group
The CICSplex Service Task Details attribute group reports the state of the OMEG INIT transaction. The OMEG INIT transaction must be running, if you want OMEGAMON AI for CICS to report the information listed for the Service Task Details workspace, among others.
Application Trace Status The status of application trace in the CICS region. The application trace facility status can be active, inactive, or unknown.
ASID Address space ID in hex.
CICS Monitoring Status Indicates the status of the CICS Monitoring Facility (CMF) for the CICS region.
CICS Region Name Indicates the job name or modify ID of the CICS region being monitored. Each CICS region in a z/OS operating system has a unique name. This name is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of eight characters, and case sensitive. CICS region names are always in uppercase characters.
CICS SMF Data Indicates if CICS performance data will be recorded to SMF or suppressed by OMEGAMON. Valid values: NO_OMEG_INIT=I, On=O, Off=F, n/a=N
CICSPlex Name The name of the CICSPlex that the CICS region is assigned to. This name is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of eight characters.
Common Interface Applid The VTAM applid of the common interface that is used to monitor the CICS region.
Common Interface Domain Name The fully qualified IP domain name of the system on which the common interface is monitoring the CICS region that is running. This value is provided in the KC5ENV member of RKANPARU library or auto discovered by the OMEGAMON AI for CICS agent code.
Common Interface Logon Data The data that is passed to the common interface as VTAM logon data. The data might include logon variables such as the LROWS parameter.
Common Interface LU Group The LU Group used to log on to the selected VTAM application.
Common Interface STC name Supplies the modify ID of the OMEGAMON AI for CICS common interface job that is monitoring the target CICS region.
Common Interface TN3270 Port The port used to log on to a TN3270 session.
Common Interface Terminal Type The type of terminal used for this 3270 session.
Compress OMEGAMON SMF Indicates whether OMEGAMON will compress the SMF data it produces in the region. Valid values: NO_OMEG_INIT=I, On=O, Off=F, n/a=N
DEXAN Status The status of DEXAN in the CICS region. The DEXAN status can be active (A), inactive (I), abended (X), in error (E), and unknown (U).
OMEGAMON Global Data Area The name of the OMEGAMON Global Data Area module being used to monitor the target CICS region.
OMEGAMON Initialization Status Indicates whether OMEGAMON code has been successfully installed in the CICS address space, using either PLTPI or an OMEG INIT transaction. The values are shutdown, complete and inactive.
OMEGAMON Monitoring Status Indicates whether OMEGAMON Monitoring is enabled in the CICS region.
OMEGAMON XMIT DD name Shows the optional RKC2XMnn statement used to associate CICS with a specific common interface address space.
ONDV Status The status of online data viewing (ONDV) in the CICS region. The ONDV status can initializing, active, quiescing, abended, inactive, waiting for WTOR reply, and unknown.
ONDV Global Version Indicates the internal version of the ONDV Global control block.
Origin Node Is the combination of the z/OS System ID (SMFID) and the CICS region name. The value format is an alphanumeric string, maximum 32 bytes, and case sensitive.
When a situation is true, the system compares the origin node name in the attribute to the names of managed systems assigned to the item. If the origin node name matches the name of a managed system, the status of the item changes accordingly. If the names of the origin node and the managed systems do not match, the status of the item remains unchanged.
Panel Check The eight character login panel check string that is used for 3270 linking.
RLIM Status The status of resource limiting (RLIM) in the CICS region. The RLIM status can be active, inactive, OMEGAMON inactive, unknown and unavailable.
Service Task Execution Result The response received after OMEGAMON AI for CICS attempts to communicate with its service task running in CICS. The value is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum 64 characters.
Service Level Analysis Data Indicates Whether transactions from this region will be included in OMEGAMON Service Level Analysis reporting. Valid values: NO_OMEG_INIT=I, On=O, Off=F, n/a=N
SIT SUFFIX Indicates the suffix of the System Initialization Table (SIT) being used in this CICS region.
Source of the CICSPlex Name The source of the CICSPlex name that the CICS region is assigned to. These are the values: CPSM, Default, OMEGAMON
Sysplex The name of the sysplex the LPAR belongs to.
System ID The four character name that uniquely identifies an active z/OS operating system within a given CICSplex. The value format is an alphanumeric string, maximum four characters and case sensitive. z/OS System IDs are always in uppercase characters.
Trace All Program Calls Indicates that Application Trace Facility was (Y) or was not (N) enabled to trace CICS EXEC CALLs of type Program Control for all user tasks, which do not have an existing trace filter set.
Translated Execution Result The response received after OMEGAMON AI for CICS attempts to communicate with its service task running in CICS. The value is an alphanumeric string.
User Data 8 The eight character user data field.
User Data 64 The 64 character user data field.
WLM Blocks The number of WLM blocks that were requested for storage to be used by the WLM component. The value format is a positive integer, maximum four bytes.
WLM Transaction Data Current Percent The current percentage of WLM storage that is reserved for the transaction records that are being used. The value format is a positive integer, maximum two bytes. The range is 0 to 100 percent.
WLM Transaction Data Peak Percent The maximum percentage of WLM storage that is reserved for the transaction records that are being used. The value format is a positive integer, maximum two bytes. The range is 0 to 100 percent.
WLM Accumulation Data Current Percent The current percentage of WLM storage that is reserved for the summary records that are being used. The value format is a positive integer, maximum two bytes. The range is 0 to 100 percent.
WLM Accumulation Data Peak Percent The maximum percentage of WLM storage that is reserved for the summary records that are being used. The value format is a positive integer, maximum two bytes. The range is 0 to 100 percent.