CICSplex Outbound API Request summary attribute group

The CICSplex Outbound API Request summary attributes provide information about outbound API requests.

API Method The name of the RESTful API method.

API Name The name of the RESTful API.

API Path The path of the RESTful API.

Average Request Body Length The current average request body length for the Outbound API requests.

Average Response Body Length The current average response body length for the Outbound API requests.

Average Response Time The current average response time for the outbound API requests.

Average Total Body Length The current average total request and response body length for the Outbound API requests.

CICS Region Name Identifies the name of the CICS region that is being monitored.

Current Fault Percent The percentage of current requests that had a fault associated with them.

Current Request Rate(M) The number of requests per minute in the last one to two minutes.

Current Request Rate(S) The number of requests per second in the last one to two minutes.

Current Timeout Percent The percentage of current requests that had a timeout associated with them.

Origin Node The combination of z/OS System ID (SMFID) and CICS region name. The value format is a case-sensitive, alphanumeric string, maximum 32 bytes

System ID Indicates the four-character name that uniquely identifies an active operating system within a given CICSplex.

Total Number of Faults The total number of requests with a fault associated with them since statistics were reset.

Total Number of Requests The total number of requests since statistics were reset.

Total Number of Timeouts The total number of requests which have timed out since statistics were reset.

URIMAP Name The name of the URIMAP used by the RESTFul API.