CICSplex Dynamic Storage Details attribute group

The CICSplex Dynamic Storage Details attribute group reports the size, free space, number of GETMAIN and FREEMAIN requests, and the number of time Short-On-Storage that occurred for the selected Dynamic Storage Area (DSA), Extended Dynamic Storage Area (EDSA), or Grande Dynamic Storage Area (GDSA).

Note: The attributes within the CICSplex Dynamic Storage Details group are stored for historical retrieval within the Tivoli Data Warehouse. Selected attributes within this group are candidates for the Tivoli Data Warehouse summarization and pruning utility.

ADD Subpool Requests Is the number of ADD_SUBPOOL requests. They are used to create a subpool (domain or task) from the CDSA, UDSA, SDSA, RDSA, ECDSA, EUDSA, ESDSA, or ERDSA.

Area Is the name of a specific Dynamic, Extended, or Grande Dynamic Storage Area. Valid values are: CICS_Key_DSA, User_Key_DSA, Shared_Key_DSA, Read_Only_Key_DSA, Trusted_DSA, Program_CICS_Key_DSA, Program_User_Key_DSA, CICS_Key_EDSA, User_Key_EDSA, Shared_Key_EDSA, Read_Only_Key_EDSA, Trusted_EDSA, Program_CICS_Key_EDSA, Program_User_Key_EDSA, CICS_Key_GDSA, User_Key_GDSA, Shared_Key_GDSA, DSA, EDSA, GDSA

CICS Region Name Indicates the job name or modify ID of the CICS region being monitored. Each CICS region in a z/OS operating system has a unique name. This name is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of eight characters, and case-sensitive. CICS region names are always in uppercase characters.

Current Tasks Suspended Is the number of tasks currently suspended for storage.

Cushion Released Is the number of times a GETMAIN request caused the storage cushion to be released. The cushion is said to be released when the number of free pages is less than the number of pages in the cushion and there are no more free extents available to increase the size of this DSA.

Cushion Size The size of the cushion, expressed in kilobytes. The value format is an integer with a maximum of four bytes. A cushion is an area of storage that can be used when there is no more space in the typical storage area. CICS reserves amounts of storage in the dynamic storage areas (DSAs) for use when processing storage stress conditions. Each reserved area, which consists of contiguous virtual storage, is called a storage cushion. The cushion forms part of the CDSA, UDSA, SDSA, RDSA, ECDSA, EUDSA, ESDSA, or ERDSA. CICS goes short on storage (SOS) when the cushion is being used, and it is less than its originally allocated size.

Cushion Size The size of the cushion, expressed in kilobytes. The value format is an integer with a maximum of eight bytes. A cushion is an area of storage that can be used when there is no more space in the typical storage area. CICS reserves amounts of storage in the dynamic storage areas (DSAs) for use when processing storage stress conditions. Each reserved area, which consists of contiguous virtual storage, is called a storage cushion. The cushion forms part of the CDSA, UDSA, SDSA, RDSA, ECDSA, EUDSA, ESDSA, or ERDSA. CICS goes short on storage (SOS) when the cushion is being used, and it is less than its originally allocated size.

DEL Subpool Requests Is the number of DELETE_SUBPOOL requests (domain or task) from the CDSA, UDSA, SDSA, RDSA, ECDSA, EUDSA, ESDSA, or ERDSA.

Extents Allocated Is the number of extents currently allocated to this dynamic storage area.

Extents in Use Is the number of extents currently in use for this dynamic storage area.

FREEMAIN Requests The number of FREEMAIN requests from the dynamic storage area.

GETMAIN Failures Is the number of GETMAIN requests that have failed because of insufficient storage. The GETMAIN request is either purged or suspended depending on its definitions (SUSPEND(NO) or SUSPEND(YES)).

GETMAIN Requests Is the number of GETMAIN requests, either purged or suspended for the storage area.

HWM Free Space The high water mark of the available storage area expressed in bytes since that last time that statistics were recorded.

HWM Tasks Suspended Is the high water mark of tasks suspended.

Largest Free Area Is the length of the largest contiguous free area expressed in four kilobytes. To get an indication of the storage fragmentation in the storage area, compare this value with the Storage Available value. If the ratio is large, this storage area is fragmented.

Largest Free Area Is the length of the largest contiguous free area expressed in eight kilobytes. To get an indication of the storage fragmentation in the storage area, compare this value with the Storage Available value. If the ratio is large, this storage area is fragmented.

LWM Free Space Is the low-water mark of available storage area.

Origin Node Is the combination of z/OS System ID (SMFID) and CICS region name. The value format is an alphanumeric string, maximum 32 bytes, and case-sensitive.

When a situation is true, the system compares the origin node name in the attribute to the names of managed systems assigned to the item. If the origin node name matches the name of a managed system, the status of the item changes accordingly. If the names of the origin node and the managed systems do not match, the status of the item remains unchanged.

Page Size Is the size of one page of storage in kilobytes.

Percent Used Is the percentage of storage area used.

Requests Purged Is the number of requests which were purged while suspended for storage.

SOS Is the number of times CICS went short on storage (SOS), where SOS means either that the cushion is currently in use or that there is at least one task suspended for storage or both.

Statistics Last Reset Is the last time that CICS statistics were reset.

Storage Allocated Is the amount of storage currently allocated. The value format is an integer with a maximum of four bytes.

Storage Allocated Is the amount of storage currently allocated. The value format is an integer with a maximum of eight bytes.

Storage Available Is the amount of free storage space. This storage area that is the number of free pages multiplied by the page size.

Storage Available Is the amount of free storage space. This storage area that is the number of free pages multiplied by the page size.

Storage in Use Is the amount of currently used storage. The value format is an integer with a maximum of four bytes.

Storage in Use Is the amount of currently used storage. The value format is an integer with a maximum of eight bytes.

Storage Violations Is the number of storage violations recorded in the CDSA, UDSA, SDSA, RDSA or the GDSA.

System ID Indicates the four-character name that uniquely identifies an active z/OS operating system within given CICS regions. The value format is an alphanumeric string, maximum four characters, and case-sensitive. z/OS System IDs are always in uppercase characters.

Time Last Went SOS Is the last time short-on-storage occurred.

Total Tasks Suspended The total number of times a GETMAIN request with the SUSPEND(YES) statement was suspended because of insufficient storage to satisfy the request.

Total Times SOS Is the total number of times short-on-storage occurred.