CICSplex Corbaserver Details attribute group
The CICSplex Corbaserver Details attribute group returns information about specific CORBA servers.
Activate Failures Is the count of failed activates for this CORBA server.
Asserted Id Authentication Is the name of the TCPIPSERVICE resource that defines the characteristics of the port that is used for inbound IIOP with asserted identify authentication.
Autopublish to JNDI Returns a value indicating whether enterprise beans are to be automatically published to the JNDI namespace when the deployed JAR file that contains them is successfully installed in the CORBA server. These are the values:
- Yes
- Enterprise beans are automatically published.
- No
- Enterprise beans are not automatically published.
Certificate Indicates the label of the certificate within the key ring that is used as a client certificate in the SSL handshake for outbound IIOP connections. If the label is blank, the certificate nominated as the default for the key ring is used.
Ciphers Indicates the list of cipher suites used to negotiate with clients during the SSL handshake. The list is set by the ENCRYPTION system initialization parameter, you can edit the list to remove or change the order of cipher suites.
CICS Region Name Indicates the job name or modify ID of the CICS region being monitored. Each CICS region in a z/OS operating system has a unique name. This name is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of eight characters, and case-sensitive. CICS region names are always in uppercase characters.
Client Cert Authentication Is the name of the TCPIPSERVICE resource that defines the characteristics of the port which is used for inbound IIOP with SSL client certificate authentication.
Corbaserver Name Specifies the name of the CORBA server.
Djar Directory Indicates the name of the deployed JAR file directory (also known as the pickup directory) on HFS. The pickup directory is the place that you put deployed JAR files that you want to be installed into the CORBA server by the CICS scanning mechanism.
Enable Status Indicates the current state of the CORBA server.
- Disabled
- The CORBA server is currently not processing any requests and is unable to accept new requests. It might have failed to initialize properly or been explicitly disabled.
- Disabling
- The CORBA server is quiescing before entering disabled state. It is not accepting new requests but is allowing currently-executing work to complete.
- Discarding
- A DISCARD request has been received for this CORBA server. The server is quiescing before being discarded. It is not accepting new requests but is allowing currently-executing work to complete.
- Enabled
- The CORBA server is available and is accepting requests.
- Enabling
- The CORBA server is being initialized. It is not yet ready to accept requests.
Host Name Is the TCP/IP host name, or a string containing the dotted decimal TCP/IP address of the Host.
IIOP no-Authorization Is the name of the TCPIPSERVICE resource used for inbound IIOP with no authentication.
JNDI Prefix Is the JNDI prefix.
Number of Ciphers Is the number of cipher suites that are specified in the CIPHERS attribute.
Object Activates Is the count of object activations for this CORBA server.
Object Stores Is the count of object stores for this CORBA server.
Origin Node Is the combination of z/OS System ID (SMFID) and CICS region name. The value format is an alphanumeric string, maximum 32 bytes, and case-sensitive.
When a situation is true, the system compares the origin node name in the attribute to the names of managed systems assigned to the item. If the origin node name matches the name of a managed system, the status of the item changes accordingly. If the names of the origin node and the managed systems do not match, the status of the item remains unchanged.
Outbound Privacy Indicates the level of SSL encryption used for outbound connections from this CORBA server. This level is determined by the CIPHERS attribute.
- Notsupported
- Encryption is not used. During the SSL handshake, CICS advertises only supported cipher suites that do not provide encryption.
- Supported
- Encryption is used. During the SSL handshake, CICS advertises only supported cipher suites that provide encryption.
- Required
- Encryption is used if both client and server support it. During the SSL handshake, CICS advertises all supported cipher suites.
Session Bean Timeout Indicates the elapsed time period in minutes, in the range 0 through 143999 (99 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes) of inactivity after which a session bean can be discarded. A value of zero indicates that beans are not timed out.
Shelf Is the name of the HFS shelf directory, that is, the Hierarchical File System directory where the web service binding files associated with WEBSERVICE resources are stored.
SSL no-Client Certification The name of the TCPIPSERVICE resource that defines the characteristics of the port used for inbound IIOP with SSL without client authentication
System ID Indicates the four-character name that uniquely identifies an active CICS z/OS operating system within a given CICSplex. The value format is an alphanumeric string, maximum four characters, and case-sensitive. CICS z/O System IDs are always in uppercase characters.
TCPIP Service Name Is the name of the TCP/IP service used for this CORBA server.
TCPIPService Security Type Is the type of security used by this CORBA server.
- Asserted_identity_authentication
- SSL_client_certificate_authentication
- SSL_with_no_client_authentication
- No_authentication