Task summary

You can access the complete range of task analysis features through the Tasks menu.

Several task options display summary information on tasks that fit a selected category, for example, waiting tasks or tasks exceeding MAXR. Some of the task options provide detailed information on a single task that fits the selected category, for example, the currently running task. In addition, the Tasks menu includes options to terminate unwanted tasks, to view short and long term transaction rates that exceed a specified threshold, a summary of tasks performing I/O, a summary of tasks using the open transaction environment, a summary of storage usage for each task, a summary of any task with associated data, to view CICS system tasks and non CICS system tasks.

To start the task analysis select the Tasks option (T) on the Main Menu, or enter fast path T. from any screen. The initial display as shown in the following figure summarizes all tasks in the system.

Figure 1. All Tasks in System panel (T.)
 ________________ ZTKALL   VTM     CICSR41L V530./C SP13 08/12/13 13:44:10      
> PF1 Help     PF3 Back     PF4 Main Menu     PF7 Up     PF8 Down     PF11 Zoom 
> A-All  B-Main  C-Waiting  D-Over MAXR  E-Running    F-Other  G-Kill H-Rate  
> IO-IO  J-OTE     K-Storage  L-User Data  M-NonSys                             
>                             ALL TASKS IN SYSTEM                               
+                            Number of tasks selected:    23 Skipped:     0     
+      Tran          Task  Task      Facility  Resource  Resource       CPU     
+      ID          Number  State     Type=ID   Type      Name          Time     
+      --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------     
+      CEMT            55  Suspend   Trm=M401  ZCIOWAIT  DFHZARQ1  0.000102     
+      OSEC            43  Suspend   Task      USERWAIT  SR2WORK   0.001513     
+      OSRV            40  Suspend   Task      USERWAIT  SRVWORK   0.001375     
+      CSNE            34  Suspend   Task      ZC        DFHZNAC1  0.000086     
+      CISE            33  Suspend   Task      IS_ERROR  IS_ERROQ  0.001193     
+      CISR            32  Suspend   Task      IS_INPUT  IS_PROCQ  0.001291     
+      CSHQ            30  Suspend   Task      SHSYSTEM  (none)    0.013039     
+      CSNC            25  Suspend   Task      CSNC      MROQUEUE  0.001619     
+      CFQR            24  Suspend   Task      FCCFQR    (none)    0.000107     
+      CFQS            23  Suspend   Task      FCCFQS    (none)    0.001218     
+      CSTP             9  Suspend   Task      TCP_NORM  DFHZDSP   0.009846     
+      CSSY             7  Suspend   Task      ICEXPIRY  DFHAPTIX  0.000249     
+      CSSY             6  Suspend   Task      ICMIDNTE  DFHAPTIM  0.002522     
+      CEPM             5  Suspend   Task      EPECQEMT  EPSUSPND  0.001122     
+      LGdomain      None  Suspend   LGdomain  LGHARTBT  LG_MGRST       n/a     
+      CSOL             4  Suspend   Task      SODOMAIN  SO_NOWOR  0.012633     
+      APdomain      None  Running   APdomain  DSTSKDEF  ....QUEU       n/a     
+      TIdomain      None  Suspend   TIdomain  TIEXPIRY  DS_NUDGE       n/a     
+      RXdomain      None  Suspend   RXdomain  RRMSEXIT  RESYNC         n/a     
+      RXdomain      None  Suspend   RXdomain  RRMSEXIT  NOTIFICA       n/a     
+      SMdomain      None  Suspend   SMdomain  smsyre    smva_ecb       n/a     
+      SMdomain      None  Suspend   SMdomain  SMSYSTEM  (none)         n/a     
+      DMdomain      None  Suspend   DMdomain  ENF       NOTIFY         n/a     

This screen and any other summary tasks screen on the Tasks menu show the transaction ID, task number, status, facility type, wait resource type, wait resource name, and CPU time used for the tasks that fit the selected category.

By analyzing the wait resource type and name you can determine what state each task is in and what might be delaying further task execution. For more information on wait reasons, press PF1 for Help from the All Tasks screen.