Program status word

To display information about the Program Status Word (PSW), select the PSW option (C) on the MVS path or enter M.C to fast path.

The panel in the following figure shows the PSW and the general purpose registers (GPRs) for the most significant CICS® TCBs: the quasi-reentrant (QR), the concurrent (CO), and the resource-owning (RO). The display shows only one PSW and set of registers.

The data is taken from the last time the CICS program request block (PRB) lost control of the CPU. You can use the PSW display to help debug CICS problems such as loops or unusual waits.

Figure 1. PSW and Registers Panel (M.C)
 ________________ ZMPSW   VTM     CICSSP31 V530./C SP22 11/23/13 15:51:03 
> PF1 Help     PF3 Back     PF4 Main Menu     PF7 Up   PF8 Down

> A-System Graph   B-System Summary   C-PSW   D-TCBs  E-Modules   F-Subpools

>                            PSW and REGISTERS
+                                Quasi-Reentrant TCB
+      PSW  : 078D1000 85108F0A
+      R0 . : 00000001    R1 . : FA974000    R2 . : 00000004   R3 . : 85108308
+      R4 . : 0568B000    R5 . : 05109307    R6 . : 80FAE934   R7 . : 00000048
+      R8 . : 0568E000    R9 . : 00006179    R10  : 0568C020   R11  : 00000000
+      R12  : 00000001    R13  : 05176A50    R14  : 00000114   R15  : 807E2F20
+                                   Concurrent TCB
+      PSW  : 078D2000 85108FD2
+      R0 . : 00000001    R1 . : 05690018    R2 . : 0568B2E8   R3 . : 85108308
+      R4 . : 0568B000    R5 . : 05109307    R6 . : 00000090   R7 . : 00000048
+      R8 . : 05690000    R9 . : 000008D1    R10  : 00000000   R11  : 00000090
+      R12  : 0568B258    R13  : 0517AA50    R14  : 00000007   R15  : 807E22C0
+                                Resource-Owning TCB
+      PSW  : 078D2000 85108FD2
+      R0 . : 00000001    R1 . : 0568F018    R2 . : 0568B2A0   R3 . : 85108308
+      R4 . : 0568B000    R5 . : 05109307    R6 . : 00000048   R7 . : 00000048
+      R8 . : 0568F000    R9 . : 0000010A    R10  : 00000000   R11  : 00000048
+      R12  : 0568B258    R13  : 05178A50    R14  : 0000001B   R15  : 807E33A0