DLI addresses

To display DLI interface addresses, select the DLI Addresses option (G) on the Databases path or enter fast path D.G from any panel.

The DLI Interface Addresses panel is displayed in the following figure:

Figure 1. CICS/DLI Interface Addresses Panel (D.G)
 ________________ ZDLADDR  VTM     CICSSP31 V530./C SP22 11/23/13 15:51:03 
> PF1 Help     PF3 Back     PF4 Main Menu     PF7 Up    PF8 Down

> A-DB2             B-DLI Summary      C-DLI General Info     D-DLI Databases
> E-DLI Subpools    F-DLI ECBs         G-DLI Addresses        H-DBCTL

>                         CICS/DLI INTERFACE ADDRESSES  DLI    ADDRESS
+                              DLI Interface Addresses
+      Address of PDIR . . . . : 000D9958    Address of DDIR . . . . : 00078918
+      Address of ISB pool . . : 00010760    Address of PST pool . . : 0042B050
+      Address of DLQ  . . . . : 003BC1EE    Address of DLI  . . . . : 8005C5B0
+      Address of DLP  . . . . : 0010DA60    Address of SCD  . . . . : 003BD030
+      Address of EDP  . . . . : 80080CF0    Address of DLX  . . . . : 00070488
+      Address of DLR  . . . . : 0006C958

This panel displays the addresses of various local DLI control blocks such as the PDIR, DDIR, ISB pool, and PST pool.