Destination control table

The Destination Control Table (DCT) contains entries for extrapartition and intrapartition transient data queues (TDQUEUE or Dest IDs).

Extrapartition queues provide access to sequential files outside of the CICS® region. Intrapartition queues provide access to sequential queues within the CICS region and are often used with Automatic Transaction Initiation (ATI) to trigger transactions on another terminal.

To display destination control table entry attributes, select the DCT option (D) on the CICS path or enter fast path C.D from any panel.

Figure 1. Destination Control Table Attributes Panel (C.D)
 ZDCT    VTM     CICSSP31 V513./C SP22 11/23/13 15:51:03 
 > PF1 Help    PF3 Back    PF4 Main Menu   PF7 Up    PF8
Down    PF11 Zoom

> A-AIDs      B-AID Kill   C-CSA   D-DCT   E-DLI     F-DDIR       G-PDIR
 > H-Dumps     I-Exits      J-XRF   K-FCT   L-ICEs    M-ICE Kill   N-JCT
 > O-PAM DSA   P-PAM EDSA   Q-PPT   R-SIT   S-TCTFX   T-TS         U-TSQ
 > V-TCT       W-Trace      X-PCT   Y-TD    Z-MCT     AA-IPConn         

 >                          DESTINATION CONTROL TABLE  TABL DCT
 +      Closed . . . . . . . . :       CLO
 +      Disabled . . . . . . . :       DIS
 +      Enabled. . . . . . . . :       ENA
 +      Extrapartition . . . . :       EXT
 +      Indirect . . . . . . . :       IND
 +      Intrapartition . . . . :       INT
 +      Opened . . . . . . . . :       OPE
 +      Remote . . . . . . . . :       REM
 +      All table entries. . . :         *

To select destinations with a specific attribute, place the cursor on the line describing the attribute and press PF11. To select a specific destination, you can enter ID=queuename after DCT.


For a DCT entry in dump format, enter DUMP after queuename:

TABL DCT,ID=queuename DUMP 

To select destinations with several attributes, enter SEL= followed by a list of attributes. This is the syntax:

TABL DCT,SEL=(attr1,attr2,.....attrn) 
You can use the asterisk wildcard character * in queuename. For example:
Specifies queuenames beginning with DFH.
Specifies queuenames ending with YZ.
Specifies queuenames beginning with A and having a B anywhere but at the end of the name.

If you zoom on the All Table Entries field, the DCT Summary panel is displayed:

Figure 2. DCT Summary Panel (Accessed by Zoom)
 ________________ ZZTABLA VTM     CICSSP31 V530./C SP22 11/23/13 15:51:03 
> PF1 Help     PF3 Back     PF4 Main Menu     PF7 Up    PF8 Down     PF11 Zoom

>                              ALL TABLE ENTRIES TABL DCT ID=’*’
+                                     Entries selected:   24  Skipped:   0
+      Dest      Dest      Dest      Indirect  ATI      ATI        Trigger
+      ID        Type      Status    Queue     Facility Tran ID      Level
+      --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- --------  --------
+      CADL      Extra     Ena Ope   n/a       n/a      n/a            n/a
+      CDBC      Indirect  n/a       CSSL      n/a      n/a            n/a
+      CDUL      Indirect  n/a       CSSL      n/a      n/a            n/a
+      CPLD      Extra     Ena Ope   n/a       n/a      n/a            n/a
+      CPLI      Extra     Ena Ope   n/a       n/a      n/a            n/a
+      CRDI      Indirect  n/a       CSSL      n/a      n/a            n/a
+      CSCS      Indirect  n/a       CADL      n/a      n/a            n/a
+      CSDL      Indirect  n/a       CADL      n/a      n/a            n/a
+      CSFL      Indirect  n/a       CSSL      n/a      n/a            n/a
+      CSML      Indirect  n/a       CSSL      n/a      n/a            n/a
+      CSMT      Indirect  n/a       CSSL      n/a      n/a            n/a
+      CSSL      Extra     Ena Ope   n/a       n/a      n/a            n/a
+      CSSM      Extra     Ena Ope   n/a       n/a      n/a            n/a
+      CSSN      Extra     Ena Ope   n/a       n/a      n/a            n/a
+      CSTL      Indirect  n/a       CSSL      n/a      n/a            n/a
+      CXRF      Extra     Ena Clo   n/a       n/a      n/a            n/a
For each destination ID that fits the selected category, this panel shows the following fields:
Dest ID
Transient data queue name.
Dest Type
Whether this is an intrapartition, extrapartition, indirect, or remote queue.
Dest Status
Whether this destination is OPEN, ENABLED, OPIP (Open in Progress), or CLIP (Close in Progress).
Indirect Queue
Final destination name for indirect queues.
ATI Facility
Terminal or destination ID for automatic transaction initiation.
Transaction ID for automatic transaction initiation.
Trigger Level
Transient data trigger level for automatic transaction initiation.

To display detailed information on a particular Dest ID (queue name), place the cursor on that line and press PF11.

The detailed information displayed depends on the type of queue. For an extrapartition queue entry, the following panel is displayed:

Figure 3. Extrapartition DCT Entry Panel (Accessed by Zoom)
 ________________ ZZTABLE VTM     CICSSP31 V530./C SP22 11/23/13 15:51:03 
> PF1 Help     PF3 Back     PF4 Main Menu     PF7 Up    PF8 Down     PF11  Zoom

>                           SELECTED TABLE ENTRY TABL DCT ID=’CPLI’
+                                General Information
+      Destination ID  . . . . :     CPLI    DCTE address . . . . . : 0004DCC4
+      Destination status  . . :  Ena Ope    Facility associated. . :     None
+      Destination type  . . . :    Extra    Resource securitylevel :        0
+      Use count . . . . . . . :        0
+                             Extrapartition Information
+      Associated SDSCI  . . . :   PLIMSG    Open option. . . . . . :  Initial
+      Address of owning TCA . :      n/a    Error conditions . . . :     None
+                                Dataset Information
+      Record format . . . . . :       VB    DDname  .. . . . . . . :   PLIMSG
+      Record length . . . . . :      133    Dataset type . . . . . :   Output
+      Block size  . . . . . . :     6144    DCB address. . . . . . : 0004DFC0
+      Dataset name  . . . . . : PROD.CIMGNN.$CICSTOR.PLIMSG

For a detailed indirect intrapartition queue entry, this panel is displayed in the following figure:

Figure 4. Indirect Intrapartition DCT Entry Panel (Accessed by Zoom)
 ________________ ZZTABLE VTM     CICSSP31 V530./C SP22 11/23/13 15:51:03 
> PF1 Help     PF3 Back     PF4 Main Menu     PF7 Up    PF8 Down     PF11  Zoom

>                           SELECTED TABLE ENTRY TABL DCT ID=’CSDL’
+                                General Information
+      Destination ID  . . . . :     CSDL    DCTE address . . . . . : 0004DE8C
+      Destination status  . . :      n/a    Facility associated. . :     None
+      Destination type  . . . : Indirect    Resource securitylevel :        0
+      Use count . . . . . . . :       42
+                                Indirect Information
+      Indirect queue name . . :     CADL    Indirect queue type . . :    Extra
+                             Extrapartition Information
+      Associated SDSCI  . . . :   RDOMSG    Open option. . . . . . :  Initial
+      Address of owning TCA . :      n/a    Error conditions . . . :     None
+                                Dataset Information
+      Record format . . . . . :        V    DDname  .. . . . . . . :   RDOMSG
+      Record length . . . . . :      133    Dataset type . . . . . :   Output
+      Block size  . . . . . . :     6144    DCB address. . . . . . : 0004E240
+      Dataset name  . . . . . : PROD.CIMGNN.$CICSTOR.RDOMSG