If CICS® is connected to DBCTL, OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) displays the status of the connection and any transactions that have active requests pending with DBCTL.

To access the DBCTL interface display, select the DBCTL option (H) on the Databases path or enter fast path D.H from any panel. When you select the Databases option (D) on the Main Menu, DBCTL is the initial panel on the Databases path if DBCTL (and not DLI and not DB2®) is installed in this CICS region. The DBCTL panel is displayed in the following figure:

Figure 1. CICS/DBCTL Interface Panel (D.H)
 ________________ ZDBCTL  VTM     CICSSP31 V530./C SP22 11/23/13 15:51:03 

> PF1 Help     PF3 Back     PF4 Main Menu     PF7 Up    PF8 Down

> A-DB2             B-DLI Summary      C-DLI General Info     D-DLI Databases
> E-DLI Subpools    F-DLI ECBs         G-DLI Addresses        H-DBCTL

>                            CICS/DBCTL INTERFACE
+                           CICS/DBCTL General Information

+      Startup table suffix  . :       DK    DBCTL interface status  :    Ready
+      Session number  . . . . :       32    Control Txn area address: 0003EC50
+      DBCTL identification  . :     DBCT    DBCTL job name  . . . . : DBCTL001
+      DBCTL ASID  . . . . . . :       42    DBCTL JES job number  . : STC00911
+      Minimum threads . . . . :        2    Maximum threads . . . . :        8
+      Active Thread RmCalls.  :        1    Successful PSB Schedules:       24
+      DBCTL CMD recognition ID:        %    Disconnect Type . . . . : Immediat
              The following fields relate to the previous DBCTL session
+      Minimum thread hits . . :        0    Maximum thread hits . . :        0
+      HWM for threads . . . . :        0    Time at thread max  . . :  0:00:00

+                            DBCTL Threads Summary
+      Tran          Task  Request   Suspend    Segment   MAX Key    ADDR of
+      ID          Number  Type      in DBCTL    Length    Length   PCB list
+      --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
+      ABCD          2365  DSB INIT  No             340        10  00050CE0
+      ASMT          1472  DLI RQST  Yes            440        25  000684C0
+      PINQ          2392  DSB SCHD  No              86         8  00077400

This panel displays CICS/DBCTL interface information and all transactions currently using DBCTL.

For task detail, place the cursor on a specific task and press PF11. The zoomable fields, including database statistics, are highlighted in white. For a description of the task detail display see Task detail.