Customizing exceptions
The exception parameters you can customize are in the following sections.
When you change any of these settings, they remain in effect for the duration of your session. If you save them in your profile, they are available for subsequent sessions that use the same profile.
To customize an exception, select the Exceptions option (A) on the Profile menu (Main Menu option P) or enter fast path P.A from any screen. Then, follow the instructions on the screen to display the current settings for the exception you want. In the following figure, the settings for the DBON exception are displayed.
________________ ZXSET1 VTM CICSSP31 V530./C SP22 11/23/13 15:51:03
> PF1 Help PF3 Back PF4 Main Menu PF7 Up PF8 Down PF10 Save
> A-Database B-I/O C-Task D-Terminal E-OMEGAMON F-MVS
> G-Storage H-TD/TS I-VSAM J-CICS K-MAXR L-All Clear
> To display an exception threshold, remove the > preceding XACB and enter
> the exception name after LIST=. To change a setting, enter over the current
> value. To make your changes permanent, you must save your OMEGAMON profile.
> For more information about a particular exception, place the cursor under
> the required exception name and press PF11.
+ DISPLAY Parameters: THRESHOLD Parameters: XLF
: State=OFF Threshold=N/A Auto=OFF
: Group=DB Display=CLR2 Log=OFF
: Bell=OFF Attribute=NONE Limit=0 (0)
: BOX Parameters: CYCLE Parameters: Repeat=NO
: Boxchar=NO BOX ExNcyc=0 Persist=0
: Boxclr=NONE Stop=0 (0) SS=
: Boxattr=NONE Cumulative=0
To change an option, enter a new value over the displayed value. If you want to change another exception, enter the four character exception name after XACB LIST=.
You can select another exception category from the options on the horizontal menu. Each option lists all the exception names and their descriptions belonging to that category.