CICS exceptions
This is an alphabetical list of OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) exceptions:
- The number of AIDS (Automatic Initiate Descriptors) is high. An AID is created in CICS when a task issues a request for the use of a terminal. The terminal can be a physical terminal or a system.
- Active max tasks > nn%exceptionAMXP
- At or over active max tasks
- The class max task threshold exceeded. The exception analysis computes the percentage of active tasks in a class against the limit specified through RDO, or through the main terminal transaction, and compares that percentage with the CMXP threshold specified.
- The system is at class max task. The number of tasks that belong to a transaction class is equal to the limit for that transaction class. There might also be tasks waiting to be attached. If this message appears consistently, it means that tasks defined in a class are not initiated because Class Max Tasks has been reached. The CMXT exception limits the number of concurrent tasks within a defined transaction class.
- CPU utilization is high. This CPU utilization is the fraction of the total CPU used by the address space over the last OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) cycle.
- The CPU utilization is low (< n%); this CPU utilization is the fraction of the total CPU used by the address space over the last OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) cycle.
- DLI DB monitor is active. The DB Monitor has high overhead and can potentially impact both DLI and CICS performance.
- The monitored CICS region is not attached to Db2.
- The CICS Database Control facility for IMS (DBCTL) is inactive. Use the CDBC CICS transaction to initiate the connection.
- The number of DMBs that stopped or failed initialization > nn.
- The number of unavailable local PSBs > nn.
- The DLI threads in use > nn. If 100% utilization is reached, DLTH analysis displays how many tasks are waiting for threads to become available.
- The DMB pool utilization > nn; this storage pool is acquired from the CICS dynamic storage area and should be specified large enough to accommodate all DMBs used in CICS, including shared databases. If the pool is not large enough, an operating system close/open of databases may become necessary to service new database requests.
- The DASD devices that are not responding. The performance of a telecommunications system, for example, CICS is highly dependent on the timely completion of I/O requests. DNRS analysis produces a message if an I/O issued to any DASD device allocated to CICS takes longer than one OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) cycle to complete. Suppose, for example, that CICS issues an I/O against device CICS02, which is currently RESERVED by another CPU. If DNRS analysis sees this same I/O waiting for the device two OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) cycles in a row, it produces a warning message. When the I/O finally completes, the message is removed. Note that a RESERVE can only be stated as a possible reason for the delay; it could also be head-of-string contention, since MVS I/O architecture makes it impossible to distinguish between the two. However, if a delay lasts long enough for DNRS to report, it is likely to be shared DASD contention. DNRS also detects a problem if CICS tries to issue an I/O to a device that has dropped ready. Note that DRDY exception analysis would also produce a message in this case. Note that a problem cannot be spotted unless the I/O takes longer than one OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) cycle.
- OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) dispatching priority is lesser than CICS.
- The DASD devices are dropped ready. DRDY analysis produces a warning message if any DASD device allocated to CICS enters the dropped ready state. If any I/O was in progress on this device at the time of failure, the DNRS exception shows the cylinder address.
- The number of pages available before SOS for any DSA below the 16M line. CICS can have more than one DSA
depending on the release. These are the names of the DSA's that are part of the exception message:
- CICS DSA - The area below the 16M boundary for CICSKEY storage.
- USER DSA - The area below the 16M boundary for USERKEY storage.
- CICS EDSA - The area above the 16M boundary for CICSKEY storage.
- USER EDSA - The area above the 16M boundary for USERKEY storage.
- READ ONLY EDSA- The area above the 16M boundary used to load reentrant programs.
- Shared DSA - The storage areas below 16M that are accessed by CICS programs running in CICS key and programs running in USER key.
- Shared EDSA - The storage areas above 16M that are accessed by CICS programs running in CICS key or USER key.
- READ ONLY DSA - The area below the 16M boundary used to load reentrant programs.
DSAV produces a warning when the number of pages available in the dynamic storage area is less than the specified threshold. If the amount of available storage is insufficient to satisfy a GETMAIN request, CICS can go short-on-storage. This will seriously impact currently active transactions until enough storage is freed, either voluntarily by CICS transactions or by CICS purging transactions. Set the DSAV threshold so that it is only tripped when the number of available pages before SOS is critically small. Change the region size parameter for the CICS address space, or limit the maximum number of tasks that can execute concurrently. If your CICS system is under hardware restraints, assigning a unique class to transactions that require an unusually high number of pages may be a good choice to minimize the possibility of CICS going short-on-storage. If the GETMAIN that tripped this exception also caused an SOS condition the available page count is negative, displaying the amount of storage cushion used.
- Utilization is high for any DSA below the 16M line. DSHI analysis produces a message when the utilization percentage of the DSA or DSALIMIT is greater than the user specified threshold. DSHI computes utilization on the amount of storage either unallocated, or in extents which have no pages allocated. High utilization indicates that a DSA may be unable to extend, therefore leading to a CICS short-on-storage condition. The measures described for the DSAV area also apply to situations where the DSHI exception is tripped. For information on the various types of DSA's, see the DSAV exception.
- Total size analysis for the DSA below the 16M line. DSIZ verifies that the total size of the DSA is within the user-specified threshold.
- Utilization is low for any DSA or the DSALIMIT below the 16M line. DSLO analysis produces a message when the utilization percentage of the DSA or DSALIMIT is less than the user-specified threshold. In versions prior to CICS/ESA Version 4, DSLO computes the storage utilization percentage for each DSA on the number of pages available plus the size of the storage cushion. The DSLO exception is useful for monitoring over-allocation of storage. In CICS/ESA Version 4, DSLO computes utilization on the amount of storage either unallocated, or in extents which have no pages allocated. For information on the various types of DSAs which this exception applies to, see the DSAV exception.
- The storage available for DSAs to extend is low. DSTO produces a message when the amount of storage available for CICS to extend a DSA below the line is less than the user-specified threshold. Set the DSTO threshold so that is only tripped when the available storage before SOS is critically small. Change the DSALIMIT parameter for the CICS address space to increase the storage available to CICS.
- CICS is requesting a system dump.
- Bottleneck analysis abended. The Bottleneck Analysis task monitors CICS tasks at a predefined interval of time. If during a task scan bottleneck analysis encounters an unusual situation, it may abend and, depending on the circumstances, stop its analysis. When this message appears, select the Utilities option (U) from the Main Menu and then the Debug option (O) or enter fast path U.O from any screen. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen. Restart the bottleneck analysis collector by selecting the Control option (O) on the Main Menu and then the Bottleneck Ctl option (I) or by entering fast path O.I from any screen. For help in determining the cause of the abend, contact IBM Software SupportIBM Software Support.
- The number of enqueue conflicts (number of tasks that are waiting or enqueues) is high. Task wait time, due to enqueues, may be responsible for slow response time and can affect CICS availability. By noting the frequency and number of waiting tasks to an enqueued resource, you may identify bottlenecks in your system. For example, specifying recovery that is not necessary increases task waits from enqueues on recoverable resources and system log I/O.
- The number of tasks waiting for a particular enqueue is high. Task wait time, due to enqueues, may be responsible for slow response time and can affect CICS availability. By noting the frequency and number of waiting tasks to an enqueued resource, you may identify bottlenecks in your system. For example, specifying recovery that is not necessary increases task waits due to enqueues on recoverable resources and system log I/O.
- Number of pages available before SOS for any DSA above the 16M line. See the DSAV exception for further information.
- Utilization is high for any EDSA or EDSALIMIT. See the DSHI exception for further information.
- The total size analysis for any DSA above the 16M line. See the DSIZ exception for further information.
- The utilization is low for any EDSA of the EDSALIMIT. See the DSLO exception for further information.
- The CICS short-on-storage message for any DSA above the 16M line. See the XSOS exception for further information.
- The storage available for EDSA’s to extend is low. See the DSTO exception for further information.
- The OMEGAMON product expiration date.
- The response time for any element within a group exceeds its threshold. Elements can be transactions, programs or terminals. For information on defining elements in groups and specifying their thresholds, see Group definition and activation.
- The number of ICEs (Interval Control Elements) in CICS is high. An ICE is created in CICS when a task issues a timer dependent request to create a new task or resume its own execution.
- Interval Record collector subtask abended. When the message appears,
select the Utilities option (U) on the Main Menu and then the Debug
option (O) or enter fast path U.O from any
screen. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen. Restart
the Interval Record collector by selecting the INTR option (K) on
the Control path or entering fast path O.K from
any screen. For help in determining the cause of the abend, contact IBM Software SupportIBM Software Support. The
INAB Interval Recorder stopped due to a possible SMF error. For help
in determining the reason that INTR stopped, add DEBUG to
the INTR command (start from option O.K). Look for the message:
where rrrrrrrr is the SMFWTM return code as previously detailed.INTR ERROR RETURN FROM SMFWTM MACRO, CODE=rrrrrrrr
- The CICS I/O rate is high. The IOHI analysis produces a warning when the I/O rate for the CICS address space is greater than the user-specified threshold of n EXCPs per second. This I/O rate is calculated as the number of EXCPs issued by the region over the last OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) cycle (default = 10 seconds in automatic update mode) divided by the length of the cycle.
- The journals are waiting for a valid WTOR response; this exception trips when a WTOR response is needed and none has been issued by the operator, or when a response has been issued but it is not what CICS is expecting.
- The largest contiguous LSQA area is smaller than the threshold specified in nKs of storage.
- The percentage of MXT exceeded the allowed threshold. The MXT parameter of the SIT allows you to specify the maximum number of tasks that can be initiated in CICS. Use MXT instead of AMXT for systems which are predominantly pseudo conversational. Task initiation requests from a terminal are queued in VTAM® and use few or no CICS resources, while AMXT tasks are queued within CICS. The "Improving Performance" section under CICS Transaction Server explains the use of this parameter in more detail and gives guidelines to determine what its setting should be. MAXP analysis computes the percentage of initiated tasks against the MXT limit and compares the percentage with the threshold specified for MAXP.
- The tasks are over the threshold limit for CPU consumption. The MAXR exception displays all tasks currently over the global resource threshold for CPU consumption.
- The number of tasks that are running are at or over the MXT limit. Whenever CICS goes into a max task situation, the terminal control program does not attach new tasks resulting from transactions entered at a terminal. However, the task control program does not stop honoring attach requests from tasks already running. This may cause the number of initiated tasks to exceed the limit specified in the SIT with the MXT= parameter, or the limit set with the MAXTASKS option of the main terminal transaction. When this is detected by MAXT analysis, OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) displays a message.
- More than nn transaction dumps generated.
- Contiguous OSCOR area is high. The OSCH analysis produces a warning message when the largest contiguous OSCOR area is larger than the size in Ks specified as the threshold. This exception can help you tune the amount of OSCOR that needs to be allocated when CICS starts up.
- Contiguous OSCOR area is low. The OSCL analysis computes the largest contiguous OSCOR area and produces a message when the size of the area is less than the threshold. Once the largest contiguous OSCOR area is smaller than the threshold, restrict all dynamic file open/close activities to an absolute minimum, since that is the major cause for OSCOR fragmentation. Eventually, depending on how small the largest area is, it may be impossible to open or close any files, causing loss of functions in your CICS system.
- The page-in rate per second is high. The CICS private and common area page-in statistics are sampled, during each OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) cycle, and a rate of page-ins per second computed. PAGE analysis compares the rate against the PAGE threshold and produces a message if the threshold is exceeded. A page-in can cause the CICS job to wait for the page fault to resolve. Any delay during this process, regardless of the cause, degrades response time for all CICS tasks. I/O contention on the paging string or volume, excessive paging activity by any job in the system, or simply a shortage of real memory affects the paging subsystem and might cause severe degradation. PAGE analysis, together with device not-ready/dropped-ready analyses, can provide a timely evaluation of the cause of excessive paging or slow page fault resolution.
- The program compressions > nn.PCRT exception
- The PSB utilization > nn. The PSB (Program Specification Block) storage pool is acquired from the CICS dynamic storage area. Specify the storage pool large enough to accommodate all PSBs used in CICS, including shared databases. If the pool is not large enough, operating system close/open of databases may become necessary to service new database requests.
- The MRO/ISC links in use > nn%.
- The waits for MRO/ISC links > nn.
- More than nn system dumps generated.
- SRHm
- The active strings for CICS LSR pool m > nn%. The range of m is 0 through 8 for the SRHn, SRLn, and SRTn exception names. When m is 0 (for example, SRH0, SRL0, SRT0), the exception monitors all LSR pools. For CICS Transaction Server V4.1 and earlier this will include LSR pools 1 through 8. From CICS Transaction Server V4.2 this will include LSR pools 1 through 255. When m is in the 1 through 8 range (for example, STH1, SRL1, SRT1), the exception monitors only LSR pool m. It is not possible to individually monitor LSR pools 9 through 255.
- SRLm
- Specifies the buffer lookaside ratio for LSR pool m < nn%VSAM read requests that are satisfied without initiating the I/O because the control interval (CI) was already in the buffer pool. The range of m is 0 through 8 for the SRHn, SRLn, and SRTn exception names. When m is 0 (for example, SRH0, SRL0, SRT0), the exception monitors all LSR pools. For CICS Transaction Server V4.1 and earlier this will include LSR pools 1 through 8. From CICS Transaction Server V4.2 this will include LSR pools 1 through 255. When m is in the 1 through 8 range (for example, STH1, SRL1, SRT1), the exception monitors only LSR pool m. It is not possible to individually monitor LSR pools 9 through 255.
- SRTm
- The string waits for CICS LSR pool m > nn. The range of m is 0 through 8 for the SRHn, SRLn, and SRTn exception names. When m is 0 (for example, SRH0, SRL0, SRT0), the exception monitors all LSR pools. For CICS Transaction Server V4.1 and earlier this will include LSR pools 1 through 8. From CICS Transaction Server V4.2 this will include LSR pools 1 through 255. When m is in the 1 through 8 range (for example, STH1, SRL1, SRT1), the exception monitors only LSR pool m. It is not possible to individually monitor LSR pools 9 through 255.
- The percentage of I/Os waiting for strings exceeds threshold. STIO computes the percentage of I/O requests issued for a file that are waiting for strings to be available.
- The percentage of strings in use per file is high. STRU issues a message when the string utilization for a VSAM file exceeds the user-specified threshold.
- The total number of string waits per file is high. When all strings for a file are in use, new requests against it are queued until a string is released. String waits by many concurrent tasks may eventually lead to new tasks being forced to wait on the active max task limit. Some string waits for a file may be inevitable, but they should be monitored so as not to cause extreme situations in CICS. STRW produces a message when the number of string waits for a file exceeds the user-specified threshold.
- Current number of string waits per file is high; this value reflects the number of tasks that are now waiting for a string.
- The storage violation rate > nnn.
- Storage violations total > nn. The storage violations can become
the cause of many problems in CICS, including errors in management
modules a long time after the storage violation is detected. The first tool in eliminating
them is complete application testing. Once a transaction enters the production environment,
debugging after the fact (and probably after the transaction that incurred the violation is
long gone from the system) is a difficult task. Because of the potential damage to system
availability, dependability, and data integrity, storage violations must be eliminated as
quickly as possible from a production system. Their impact is also felt in response time
because of the necessity to enter storage recovery and, in some cases, the time it takes to
produce a storage violation dump. SVSY produces a message when the number of terminal and/or
transaction storage violations exceeds the threshold. The first line of the display is
identical to the output from the SVTK exception, and the second line is identical to output
from the SVTR exception. The SVSY exception trips if the total count from either the PCT or
TCT storage violation counter exceeds the SVSY exception threshold. Note that CICS increments
both the PCT and TCT storage counters for a single violation when
appropriate, so the total number of violations may be less than the sum of the two figures.
Once a storage violation has been detected, CICS integrity is suspect. Note: Once a storage violation has occurred, SVSY causes both the PCT and the TCT to be scanned, which increases overhead. Use SVSY with caution. You can use the Storage Exception Settings panel (fast path P.A.G) to reset exception thresholds if you have frequent storage violations.
- Storage violations per transaction > nn.
SVTK displays a message when the number of storage violations caused
by any one transaction exceeds the user-specified threshold. Note: Once a storage violation has occurred, SVTK causes the PCT to be scanned, which increases overhead; use SVTK with caution. You can use the Storage Exception Settings panel (fast path P.A.G) to reset exception thresholds if you have frequent storage violations.
- Storage violations per terminal > nn.
SVTR displays a message when the number of storage violations associated
with any one terminal exceeds the user-specified threshold. Note: Once a storage violation has occurred, SVTR causes the TCT to be scanned which increases overhead. Use SVTR with caution. You can use the Storage Exception Settings panel (fast path P.A.G) to reset exception thresholds if you have frequent storage violations.
- The percentage of transient data buffers in use >nn%.
- The number of current transient data buffer waits >nn; this exception indicates that the number of transient data buffer waits exceeds the threshold.
- The percentage of transient data CIs in use > nn%; this exception indicates that the percentage of transient data CIs in use exceeds the threshold.
- Transient data queue over trigger level. The TDHI checks the length of each intrapartition destination and compares it with its trigger level (if the level is nonzero). If the number of records in the queue exceeds the trigger level by more records than specified in the TDHI threshold, a message is produced.
- Transient data queue records > nn. The TDQU checks the queue level on each intrapartition destination against the TDQU threshold and displays a message when the number of records in the queue is greater than the threshold.
- The active strings for transient data > nn%.
- The total string waits for transient data > nn.
- The tape device not responding to I/O request. The TNRS analysis produces a warning message if an I/O issued to any tape device allocated to the CICS address space takes longer than one OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) cycle to complete. Suppose, for example, that a CICS log tape I/O was issued against device 631 and another tape drive on that string is in the middle of a long burst of chained I/O. If TNRS sees the same I/O waiting for the device two OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) cycles in a row, it produces a warning message. When the I/O finally completes, the message is removed. TNRS also detects a problem if CICS tries to issue an I/O to a device that has dropped ready. Note that the TPDR exception analysis also produces a message in this case.
- The tape device dropped ready. The TPDR analysis produces a warning message if any tape device allocated to the CICS address space enters the dropped ready state. Note that if any I/O is in progress on this device at the time of failure, the TNRS exception probably produces an additional warning naming the current user.
- The total transaction rate is low. A low transaction rate may be a symptom of a short-on- storage condition, bottleneck, or other CICS problem. The transaction rate is calculated per second or per minute depending on the UNIT specified on the RATE command. Verify whether CICS task limit settings have been set too low: max tasks, active max tasks, and class max tasks.
- The temporary storage buffers in use >nn%.
- The temporary storage buffer waits >nn.
- The TS main total storage >nn.
- The TS queue storage amnt/queue >nn.
- The auxiliary temporary storage percent utilization > nn%. If auxiliary storage is exhausted, severe degradation of CICS performance occurs. This exception may indicate that the temporary storage data set is closed to being filled. TSPU computes the percentage of control intervals used in the temporary storage data set and displays a message when the percentage exceeds the user-specified threshold.
- The active strings for temporary storage > nn%.
- The total string waits for temporary storage > nn.
- The TS total conflicts > nn.
- The TS task wait/queue > nn.
- The CA splits are high. The VSAM split/extent analysis checks the VSAM files allocated to the CICS task every nn minutes, as defined by the XVSC command. If a file has incurred control area splits over the threshold specified in VCAS, a message is displayed.
- The CI splits are high. The control interval splits are monitored by VCIS analysis, on every cycle, as defined by the XVSC command.
- The index component splits/extents. The index split/extent analysis is monitored by VINX analysis, on every cycle, as defined by the XVSC command. The VINX checks for any occurrence of CA splits, CI splits, or new extents incurred by an index object. When one of these is detected, VINX analysis displays a message.
- The extensions per file. The Extent analysis is monitored by VMEX, on every cycle, as defined by the XVSC command. The VMEX exception produces a message when a new extension is detected for a VSAM file, also showing the current total number of extents.
- The VTAM ACB not open message.
- The working set size > nK. The WSHI analysis produces a warning when the working set size for the CICS address space is greater than the user-specified threshold of nK (where 1K = 1024 bytes). The working set size is defined as the number of central storage pages the region currently has in memory.
- The working set size < nK. WSLO analysis produces a warning when the working set size for the CICS address space is less than the specified threshold of nK. Working set size is the number of real pages the region currently has in memory.
- The Web Service Fault rate exceeds >n.
- The Web Service Request rate exceeds >n.
- The Web Service Timeout rate exceeds >n.
- The alternate XRF system is not active.
- The CICS short-on-storage message for any DSA below the 16M line. The short-on-storage situation in CICS degrades your CICS response time. Tasks may be abended due to the stall interval having elapsed. Avoid the short-on-storage situation by monitoring DSA utilization and using CICS limit parameters. For information on the various types of DSAs, see the DSAV exception.
- The CICS Time of Day (T.O.D.) clock is not updated. When a task goes into a loop and the CICS task dispatcher does not get control, the CICS time of day clock field in the common system area is not updated by task control. The XTOD exception verifies that the CSA time of day field changes every OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) cycle; if not, a message is displayed. Note that when monitoring a CICS that is not heavily used, the XTOD message can appear as a result of the user causing OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) to cycle more than once during the CICS exit interval (ICV).