Accessing the CICS path

To access the CICS® internals displays, select the CICS option (C) on the Main Menu or enter fast path C. from any panel.

This option starts you on the CICS path. The initial panel on the CICS path is a two column menu of CICS options in alphabetical order, as displayed in the following figure:

Figure 1. CICS Options Menu Panel (C.)
 ________________ ZCORE    VTM     CICSR41L V530./C SYS  06/10/13 12:22:27     
> PF1 Help     PF3 Back     PF4 Main Menu                                       
> A-AIDs       B-AID Kill    C-CSA    D-DCT    E-DLI      F-DDIR        G-PDIR  
> H-Dumps      I-Exits       J-XRF    K-FCT    L-ICEs     M-ICE Kill    N-JCT   
> O-PAM DSA    P-PAM EDSA    Q-PPT    R-SIT    S-TCTFX    T-TS          U-TSQ   
> V-TCT        W-Trace       X-PCT    Y-TD     Z-MCT     AA-IPConn              
>                     CICS INTERNAL CONTROL BLOCKS AND TABLES                   
> A  AIDs ... Automatic initiators         N  JCT .... Journal control table    
> B  AID Kill AIDs kill mechanism          O  PAM DSA  DSA page allocation map  
> C  CSA .... Common system area           P  PAM EDSA EDSA page allocation map 
> D  DCT .... Destination control table    Q  PPT .... Processing program table 
> E  DLI .... IMS/DLI overview             R  SIT .... System initialization    
> F  DDIR ... IMS/DLI DMB directory        S  TCTFX .. TCT Prefix               
> G  PDIR ... IMS/DLI PSB directory        T  TS ..... Temporary storage        
> H  Dumps... CICS dump summary            U  TSQ .... Temporary storage queues 
> I  Exits... CICS exits summary           V  TCT .... Terminal control table   
> J  XRF .... Extended recovery facility   W  Trace .. Trace control overview   
> K  FCT .... File control table           X  PCT .... Program control table    
> L  ICEs ... Interval control elements    Y  TD ..... Transient data           
> M  ICE Kill ICEs kill mechanism          Z  MCT .... Monitoring Control Table 
> AA IPCo.... IP Connections                                                    

When you select an option from this menu, the display includes a horizontal menu of CICS path options across the panel followed by the control block or facility. Subsequent displays on the CICS path include the horizontal menu.

All of the panels on this path are display only. You can view relevant control blocks and control tables. But, you must make any updates or corrections through the usual IBM-provided facilities, such as resource definition online (RDO).

Several levels of detail are often available and can be accessed by zooming.

The CICS path also includes two Storage Options: PAM DSA (option O), fast path (C.O) and PAM EDSA (option P), fast path (C.P). These options take you directly to a map of the storage allocated to DSA or EDSA in the Storage path. From there you can choose other storage-related options from the horizontal storage menu.

In addition, the CICS path includes the DLI option (E) which takes you directly to the Databases path.