Scenario RTE03: Changing parameters in an RTE

After the initial configuration, you might need to change, add, or delete parameter values in the runtime environment (RTE) configuration profile.

For example, you might not want to enable security for the Tivoli® Enterprise Portal or the enhanced 3270 user interface logon until you have verified that all components are configured and communicating correctly. After you have verified that you can successfully view data in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client or the OMEGAMON® Enhanced 3270 user interface, you can go back and set KDS_TEMS_SECURITY_KDS_VALIDATE to Y to enable authentication of Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs and passwords. Or you can enable security for the enhanced 3270 user interface by providing a security authorization facility (SAF) resource class using the RTE_SECURITY_CLASS parameter.

About this task

This task involves three main steps:
  1. Editing the configuration profiles as necessary.
  2. Recreating the RTE and jobs by submitting the appropriate $PARSE/$PARSESV job.
  3. Copying the runtime members from the work libraries to the production libraries by using the KCIJPW2R job.
If system variables are enabled in the RTE, you must also run the KCIJPUPV job to populate variable-named members application-specific KppJPUPB composite IEBUPDTE members in the WK* work output libraries, before you run the KCIJPW2R job.

The WCONFIG($PARSE) composite job (or the $PARSESV job if the runtime environment is enabled for variables) copies all IK* interim libraries to WK* user libraries. If you need to regenerate only the parameters in a single library, you can also submit the library-specific $PARSE%% jobs (where %% = CM for CMDU, SM for SAMU, PR for PARU) in WCONFIG. You can specify a specific member or set of members within each library to regenerate.

For example, if you are adding a new parameter to the WCONFIG(KAG$PENV) global agent override imbed and the WCONFIG(KDS$PENV) monitoring server override imbed, you only need to update the WKANPARU(KppENV) members. Similarly, if you make a change to the KDS_TEMS_TCP_KDEB_INTERFACELIST and the 25 Kpp_AGT_TCP_KDEB_INTERFACELIST KDEB_INTERFACELIST parameters that need to be implemented globally across all products, only the WKANPARU(*ENV) members need to be reprocessed by $PARSEPR.

To implement this example scenario, edit the SELECT MEMBER=(*) statement in the USER SECTION: CONFIG/SELECT MEMBER section of the $PARSEPR job to SELECT MEMBER=(*ENV):

Command ===>   
000110 * ----------- BEGIN - USER SECTION: CONFIG/SELECT MEMBER ---------- *  
000111 * *******************************************************************  
000112 * USER SECTION: CONFIG/SELECT MEMBER                                *  
000113 * *******************************************************************  
000121 CONFIG MEMBER=(WCONFIG:$GBL$IBM)                                        
000122 * 4. $CFG$IBM IBM-supplied PARMGEN CONFIG profile (RTE-specific)        
000123 CONFIG MEMBER=(WCONFIG:$CFG$IBM)                                        
000124 * 5. $GBL$USR Customer-overridable PARMGEN CONFIG profile (SMP-related  
000125 *    and other global parameters)                                       
000126 *    Note: (OPTIONAL) Customize WCONFIG:$GBL$USR accordingly.  It is    
000127 *    ideal for copying to other WCONFIG RTEs if these global system     
000128 *    libraries are typically the same across LPARs.                     
000129 CONFIG MEMBER=(WCONFIG:$GBL$USR)                                        
000130 * 6. TESTSYSG Customer-overridable PARMGEN CONFIG profile               
000131 *    (RTE-specific applicable to this LPAR)                             
000132 CONFIG MEMBER=(WCONFIG:LPAR1)                                        
000133 SELECT MEMBER=(*ENV)                                                
000134 * ----------- END   - USER SECTION: CONFIG/SELECT MEMBER ---------- *  

This change tells the $PARSEPR job to recreate only the *ENV members.

You can also code SELECT MEMBER=(*ENV,K??SYSIN) if you want to regenerate only the KppENV members, and all members matching the K??SYSIN wildcard. These are just a few examples how flexible the SELECT MEMBER= parameter is.

Note that the library-specific $PARSE%% jobs regenerate the runtime members in the PARMGEN work libraries (such as WKANPARU and WKANCMDU) because PARMGEN supports a staged deployment and does not update the running production user libraries and execution libraries (such as RKANPARU and RKANCMDU). You must run the WKANSAMU(KCIJPW2R) job to deploy runtime members from the WK* libraries to the RK* production user libraries. However, if you would like the $PARSE* jobs to update the production user libraries directly, without having to run KCIJPW2R, update the SYSUT2 DD to point to RK* instead of the WK* PARMGEN work libraries, as shown in the example $PARSEPR job:

Command ===>   
000091 //* ******************************************************************* 
000092 //* WKANPARU Step: IKANPARU-->WKANPARU                                  
000093 //* Process the PARMGEN members from IKANPARU to WKANPARU based on $CFG*
000094 //* CONFIG and/or converted PARMGEN RTE Batch deck profile settings.    
000095 //* ******************************************************************* 
000096 //WKANPARU EXEC PGM=KCIPARSE,                                           
000097 // PARM='MV=32000,MAXL=32000,ML=500,MI=255,MS=20000,LV=Y,LG=10'         
000098 //STEPLIB  DD DISP=SHR,                                                 
000099 //         DSN=IBM.TARGET.TKANMOD                                  
000100 //INPUT1   DD DISP=SHR,                                                 
000101 // DSN=IBM.ITM62351.LPAR1.IKANPARU                                   
000102 //INPUT2   DD DISP=SHR,                                                 
000103 // DSN=IBM.ITM62351.LPAR1.WKANPARU                                   
000104 //WCONFIG  DD DISP=SHR,                                                 
000105 // DSN=IBM.ITM62351.LPAR1.WCONFIG                                    
000106 //SYSUT2   DD DISP=SHR,                         
000107 // DSN=IBM.ITM62351.LPAR1.WKANPARU <<<-- change to RKANPARU

To test the parameter changes quickly before moving the members from WK* to RK* production user-libraries, modify the new USER%%%U PROC symbols in the PARMGEN-created started tasks to run from the WK* libraries.

Complete the following procedure to change configuration parameters.


  1. Edit the configuration profile.
    1. Select the RTE in which you wish to upgrade the product by specifying the fully-qualified name of the RTE (%RTE_PLIB_HILEV%. %RTE_NAME%).
    2. From the Workflow - Primary Options Menu, select Customize PARMGEN configuration profiles.

      The Customize PARMGEN Configuration Profile Members panel is displayed.

    3. Select option 1 to edit the RTE configuration profile.
      The profile member is displayed.
    4. Complete the necessary changes.
      For example, locate the KDS_TEMS_SECURITY_KDS_VALIDATE parameter and change N to Y. Edit the values for all required related parameters, such as RTE_SECURITY_USER_LOGON to specify what security system is used to validate Tivoli Enterprise Portal users.
    5. Save the changes and return to the Workflow - Primary Options Menu panel.
  2. Recreate the runtime environment members and jobs.
    1. From the menu, select Create the RTE members and jobs.

      The $PARSE/$PARSESV: Create the RTE Members and Jobs panel is displayed.

    2. Select the $PARSE (or $PARSESV) composite job or the appropriate $PARSE%% library-specific job.
      The JCL is presented.
    3. Review the job and make any required adjustments, then submit it and return to the Workflow - Primary Options Menu panel.
  3. Edit and submit the batch jobs to complete the setup.
    1. Select Submit batch jobs to complete PARMGEN setup from the menu.

      The Submit Batch Job to Complete PARMGEN Setup panel is displayed.

      Option ===>                                                                    
      Select option 1 to SUBMIT the composite jobs in WKANSAMU for SYSA RTE.       
      Tip: Review the SUBMIT commands in the KCIJPSUB composite job.                 
      Alternatively, select other options (2-12) to submit each job individually.    
      Enter ns (1s-12s) for detailed job/task status.                                
                         Description               REQ  Job Name   Status     Date   
          --------------------------------------- ----- -------- --------- ----------
                                                                         More:     + 
      1.  Composite SUBMIT job (See JCL comments)       KCIJPSUB 
          ** or **                                                                   
      2.  Allocate runtime RO and RW datasets     (Yes) KCIJPALO 
      3.  Copy SMP/E mbrs from TK*->RK* RO libs   (Yes) KCIJPLOD 
      4.  Run product security steps              (Yes) KCIJPSEC 
      5.  Update variable-named runtime mbrs      (No ) KCIJPUPV                     
      6.  (Re)Create USS runtime mbrs in RKANDATV (Yes) KCIJPUSP 
      7.  Create USS dirs./ (Re)Copy USS files    (Yes) KCIJPUSS 
      8.  Copy runtime mbrs to SYS1-type libs (Caution) KCIJPSYS                     
      9.  Run post-SMP/E RKANMODU ASM/LINK steps  (Yes) KCIJPLNK 
      10. Verify the configuration jobs           (Tip) KCIJPIVP                     
      11. Back-up RK* product execution user libs (Tip) KCIJPCPR 
      12. Copy runtime mbrs from WK*->RK* RW libs (Yes) Enter 12 for details. 
      Press F1=Help for more information.  Type UTIL to access utility menu.
    2. If system variables are enabled, select option 5 and submit the KCIJPUPV job.
    3. (Optional, but best practice) Select option 11 and submit the KCIJPCPR job to backup the production libraries.
    4. Select option 12 and submit the KCIJPW2R job to copy the work libraries to the production libraries.


The configuration profile for the RTE is updated.