Scenario QCF10: Configuring a sharing-with-SMP/E runtime environment with a hub monitoring server

A sharing-with-SMP/E runtime environment (RTE) contains LPAR-specific libraries and references the read-only target libraries managed by SMP/E. Because an RTE that shares the SMP/E target libraries is updated when the SMP/E maintenance is applied, a sharing-with-SMP/E configuration is good for testing maintenance before other RTEs are updated. It is also good for a proof-of-concept configuration. Because the RTE contains a hub monitoring server, it can operate by itself and show data immediately. However, you do not want this type of RTE in a production environment, because you do not want maintenance to be applied without testing. You can use the IBM-provided model profile @MDLHSS to configure this RTE or you can configure it from scratch.

Before you begin

In the model profile, the self-describing agent feature (SDA) is enabled by default. SDA requires that a z/OS® UNIX System Services Hierarchical File System (HFD) or zSeries File System (zFS) be created or set aside for storing the SDA data files. The file system must be mounted before the RTE is configured and it must have access to a Java™ runtime environment running under IBM®'s 31-bit or 64-bit Java SDK Version 5 (or higher) on an HFS or zFS file system. If you intend to leave SDA enabled, ensure that the file system is available.

About this task

If you do not want to maintain this RTE after you have completed testing or proof of concept, you can delete the RTE or reconfigure it to a different sharing type. You can also reconfigure the monitoring server from a hub to a remote.