VTAM Buffer Pool Details workspace

The VTAM(R) Buffer Pool Details workspace displays data for a specific buffer pool. If historical data collection is configured and started, this workspace displays multiple plots over time. This workspace is most useful for displaying historical information.

The VTAM Buffer Pools Details workspace is displayed by right-clicking on the Link icon in the VTAM Buffer Pools Summary table and selecting VTAM Buffer Pool Details.

This workspace displays the following views:

  • Total Buffers for Buffer Pool Name: Displays a line graph showing the buffers available and in use as a percentage of available buffers for up to seven collection intervals (when history tracking is turned on), where:
    • Blue represents the number of buffers available.
    • Yellow represents the number of buffers in use.
  • Requests Queued for Buffer Pool Name: Displays a line graph showing the number of queued requests for up to seven collection intervals (when history tracking is turned on).
  • Times Expanded for Buffer Pool Name: Displays a bar chart showing the number of times the specified buffer pool was expanded.
  • VTAM Buffer Pool Details for Buffer Pool Name Summary table: Displays the buffer pool information for the specified buffer. Right-clicking on the Link icon in this workspace allows you to navigate to additional workspaces in context of the specified buffer pool. The additional workspaces include: