TN3270 Server Sessions for SNA Name workspace

The TN3270 Server Sessions for SNA Name workspace displays performance data for active or completed TN3270 server sessions with a specified SNA Application Name and an Average Total Response Time over 1 second. In order to be displayed, performance data must have been collected for a session within the TN3270 display interval (by default, last 2 hours). This data includes active sessions (sliding window and bucket count metrics are collected for these sessions each collection interval) and sessions opened or closed since the last collection.

This workspace is displayed by right-clicking on a link for a TN3270 session in one of the following workspaces:

  • TN3270 Server Sessions
  • TN3270 Server Sessions for Remote IP

This workspace contains the following views:

  • The Average TN3270 Server Session Response Times > 2 Seconds: Displays Average IP Response Time and Average SNA Response Time in a stacked bar chart graphed against Telnet LU Name, where:
    • Yellow represents the Average IP Response Time.
    • Blue represents the Average SNA Response Time.
  • Active TN3270 Server Sessions: Displays the number of active Telnet sessions and active Telnet connections at the end of the collection interval in a line graph, graphed over time, where
    • Yellow represents the Telnet Connection Count.
    • Blue represents the Telnet Session Count.
  • Active Telnet Session Count Summary table: Displays the number of Telnet sessions and Telnet connections at a specific collection time. Additional information is provided below.
  • TN3270 Server Session Summary table for SNA Name: Provides a tabular summary of all the available performance data for active or completed TN3270 server sessions with the specified SNA application name. The TN3270 Server Session Summary table for SNA Name displays performance data for TN3270 server sessions from a specified SNA application name. The displayed sessions have a collection time within the TN3270 display interval (by default, last 2 hours).
    Right-clicking the row in this table provides links to the following workspaces: