FTP Session Details workspace

The FTP Session Details workspace displays detailed information for the selected FTP session including IP addresses, ports, application name, user IDs, security, session details, and TCP connection details. This workspace is designed to work with IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks V5.1.1 agents and later. Monitoring agents running with earlier versions of IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks cannot display data in this workspace. The attributes in this workspace are available from all supported versions of z/OS.

Navigating to the FTP Session Details workspace requires that an administrator has assigned the Tivoli Enterprise Portal user access to the Enterprise Networks navigator view using the Administer Users dialog. See the IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks: Tivoli Enterprise Portal User’s Guide for information about assigning this role. If you do not have access, contact your system administrator.

To navigate to the FTP Session Details workspace, do the following:

  1. Select Enterprise_Networks from the View drop-down menu in the Navigator view.
  2. Right-click the Enterprise Networks folder in the Navigator view to display the list of alternate workspaces.
  3. Select the Enterprise FTP Sessions Overview workspace from the list.
  4. Right-click on the Link icon in one of the summary tables and select FTP Session Details.

The following product-specific Take Action Commands can be issued from this workspace:

Take Action command Attribute that the command is executed against
Drop Connection TCP Control Connection ID
NSLookup IP Address Remote IP Address
Ping IP Address Remote IP Address
Tracerte IP Address Remote IP Address
The FTP Session Details workspace contains the following views:

See also: