DVIPA workspace

This workspace provides a detailed summary of the millions of Dynamic Virtual IP Addresses (DVIPA) of the system.

Two tables present summary information at the LPAR level:

  • The DVIPA Status table displays summary information about each DVIPA configuration.
  • The DVIPA Ports table displays detailed information about each DVIPA Port.

Two bar charts present a graphical summary about the DVIPA connection totals and Status distributions:

  • The DVIPA Connections by IP chart displays the number of Active and Total Connections for each DVIPA Connection. Note that the DVIPA IP Address is the label for the chart, but these may not be unique.
  • The DVIPA Distribution Statuses chart displays the number of DVIPA Connections for each Distribution Status.

On the DVIPA Connections by IP and the DVIPA Status views, you can link to the Application Details workspace and Application TCP Listeners workspace by clicking on the link icon for the given Application Name you wish to inspect. If the DVIPA Application is flagged as zCX you can link to the zCX Instance Summary workspace.