KN3 Interface Statistics (KN3IFS) worksheet

Use the KN3 Interface Statistics (KN3IFS) worksheet to calculate the amount of DASD required by this attribute group in the persistent data store.

Table 1. KN3 Interface Statistics (KN3IFS) worksheet
Interval Record size Formula Active TCP/IP strategic interface* TCP/IP stack Expected storage required for 24 hours
15 minutes 332 4 x 24 x 332 x 1 x 1 / 1024 1 1 31 KB
* The strategic interfaces have one of the following values for the Interface Type attribute on KN3 workspaces: Loopback, OSA-Express Queued Direct I/O (QDIO) Ethernet, HiperSockets, or Multipath Channel Point-To-Point (MPCPTP)