Triggering IBM® Tivoli NetView for z/OS automation from IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks situations

Use this information to understand three ways that a situation event detected by IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks and forward information about this event to Tivoli® NetView for z/OS®.

A potentially powerful integration point between the IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks product and the NetView for z/OS product is the capability for an OMEGAMON® situation to trigger NetView for z/OS automation.

This section suggests three ways to cause a situation event detected by IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks to forward information about the event to NetView for z/OS:
These methods also include the following support materials:
  • Two sample situations:
    • N3T_Sample_NetViewAuto_Cmd, a situation that issues an MVS MODIFY command for the NetView application procedure. The situation executes this command in the NetView address space.
    • N3T_Sample_NetViewAuto_Msg, a situation that issues an MVS SEND command. The message text contains the situation information.
  • Four code samples, found in the &thilev.TKANSAM data set:
    • KN3AUMSG , a sample NetView automation table entry to recognize messages containing an IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks situation name and invoke sample REXX exec KN3SITEX when that is the case.
    • KN3AUMSU, a sample NetView automation table entry to recognize IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks situation events that have been converted to Network Management Vector Transports (NMVTs) and invoke sample REXX exec KN3SITMS.
    • KN3SITEX, a sample REXX EXEC that parses the text of a message that contains the name of an IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks situation followed by attribute name/value pairs. The name of the situation and the attribute name/value pairs are displayed.
    • KN3SITMS, a sample REXX EXEC that parses an NMVT containing an IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks situation event. The situation name and the attribute name/value pairs received are displayed.

Regardless of which implementation method you choose, consider these tasks before you attempt to implement one of the sample situations.