Upgrading a monitoring server and adding a new monitoring agent with PARMGEN

In this scenario, you are upgrading an existing z/OS® monitoring server and adding a new 6.1 monitoring agent monitoring agent to the RTE.

About this task

Take one of the following upgrade paths:
  • Upgrade the z/OS monitoring server in an existing PARMGEN RTE and add new monitoring agent

    Upgrade your Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server to V6.3.0 (or later) and add a new in an existing PARMGEN environment. Products already configured in the environment, including the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, are indicated by a slash (/) and are upgraded to the new version installed in the SMP/E target libraries unless they deselected.

The key to adding a new product to an existing RTE is the Include Products in this PARMGEN RTE panel (KCIP@PGI). You regenerate the KCIJPCFG setup job and add the new product by selecting it on the Include Products panel. After you submit the job, the RTE configuration profile is updated with the parameters for that product. Then, you can customize those parameters by editing the profile. You run the $PARSE job to recreate the runtime members and jobs, and then resubmit the jobs to complete the reconfiguration of the RTE with the new product.


  1. Recreate the work environment.

    This step adds the new product, updates interim libraries, and recreates the configuration profiles with any new parameters for the new product.

    1. Select the RTE to which you want to add the product by providing the fully-qualified RTE name (RTE_PLIB_HILEV and RTE_NAME).
    2. From the Workflow - Primary Options Menu, select Set up PARMGEN work environment for an RTE.
      The following message is displayed, notifying you that you need to resubmit the modified KCIJPCFG job after you make changes:
      KCIP@MSG ---------------- PARMGEN MESSAGES --------------------------
      Command ===>                                                         
      While configuring an existing RTE profile, you have asked to         
      navigate to the KCIJPCFG option to review or make changes to the     
      KCIJPCFG job, which was run with highest condition code RC= 00000    
      on 2017/07/27. In most cases, if you change any KCIJPCFG             
      parameters, you will have to rerun the KCIJPCFG job and certain      
      subsequent PARMGEN configuration jobs.                               
      Press ENTER to continue with KCIJPCFG changes.                       
      Press F3 to abort.                                                   
    3. Press Enter to continue.
      The first setup panel (KCIP@PG1) is displayed.
    4. Press Enter until the Include Products in this PARMGEN RTE panel (KCIP@PGI) is displayed.
      Any products already configured into the environment are indicated by a slash (/).
    5. Select the new product you want to include by typing a slash (/) next to its product code.

      In the following example, a monitoring server, the OMEGAMON® enhanced 3270 user interface, and all of the OMEGAMON products except OMEGAMON for Storage are already configured in the runtime environment. To add OMEGAMON for Storage, a slash is placed next to KS3.

       --------------------- INCLUDE PRODUCTS IN THIS PARMGEN RTE - Row 1 to 19 of 26 
       Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
       Select (/) product(s) to CONFIGURE those product(s) in RTE=PLB1SP13            
       Products configured in the model RTE have been preselected (/).                
       Select or deselect products to include or exclude from configuration.          
       When finished, change "N" to "Y" to confirm selections.  Confirm ==> N (Y, N)  
         Kpp  Product Name/Version                                                    
         ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------  
       _ KAH  System Automation Monitoring Agent V350                    
       _ KC5  OMEGAMON for CICS V550                         
       / KDO  Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS Agent V181                
       _ KDS  Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server V630                   
       / KD4  ITCAM for SOA Agent V711                                   
       _ KD5  OMEGAMON for DB2 PE/PM V540                             
       _ KGW  OMEGAMON for CICS TG V550                    
       / KI5  OMEGAMON for IMS V550                           
       _ KJJ  OMEGAMON for JVM V540                                      
       _ KMC  OMEGAMON for Messaging - WebSphere MQ Configuration V730
       / KMQ  OMEGAMON for Messaging - MQ V750  
       _ KM5  OMEGAMON for z/OS V550                                  
       / KNA  NetView for z/OS Agent V621                                
       / KN3  OMEGAMON for Networks V550               
       _ KOB  OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 User Interface V750               
       _ KQI  OMEGAMON for Messaging - Integration Bus V750
       _ KRG  Advanced Audit for DFSMShsm Agent V260                   
       _ KRH  Advanced Reporting and Management for DFSMShsm Agent V260
       _ KRJ  Advanced Allocation Management Agent V330                
       _ KRK  Automated Tape Allocation Manager for z/OS Agent V330    
       _ KRN  Advanced Catalog Management Agent V260                   
       _ KRV  Advanced Backup and Recovery for z/OS Agent V240         
       _ KRW  Tape Optimizer for z/OS Agent V220                       
       _ KS3  OMEGAMON for Storage V540        
       _ KYN  ITCAM for Application Diagnostics, TEMA V710.03                         
       / KS3  IBM OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS V540     
       _ KWO  IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON DE on z/OS - OMEGAVIEW and OMEGAVIEW II V510        
       _ KYN  ITCAM for Application Diagnostics on z/OS V710.03                       
       End of data                                                                    
    6. Type Y in the Confirm ==> field, then press Enter to continue.
      The following panel is displayed:
       Command ===>                                                             
       If you changed any JVM RTE configuration values on the                 
       panels, or changed the configured product mix or upgraded product      
       versions, then you must regenerate/resubmit the KCIJPCFG/KCIJPPRF jobs.
       You must also refresh the PARMGEN profiles.                                   
       Specify a backup member name for the LPAR RTE to automate the          
       resubmission and refresh process.  A default backup member is provided.
       Blank-out the field if you do not want to refresh the profiles.        
         DEMO Backup member name   ===>  ________   (Required for KCIJPPRF)  
       PARMGEN automatically backs up the RTE profile in                        
       TDITN.IDTST.PARMGEN.WCONBACK, refreshes templates in IK* datasets, 
       rebuilds the profiles with the new values, merges in the profiles values
       from the backed-up LPAR RTE user profile, and generates a delta report.    
       Press F1 for information about the automated process.                    
    7. Type a name for the profile backup member and press Enter.
      The modified KCIJPCFG job is displayed.
    8. Submit the job.
      The KCIJPCFG job submits the KCIJPPRF job, which updates the libraries and merges the backed up profile with the newly generated one containing the new product parameters.
    9. Return to the Workflow - Primary Options Menu. Wait until both jobs have completed. No return code is displayed on the Workflow main panel until both jobs have completed.
  2. Edit the configuration profiles, as required.
    See the Planning and Configuration Guide and Parameter Reference for the new product for information on parameters that you might want to customize or features you might want to enable. Note that the new product inherits any global runtime environment parameters specified in the Set up PARMGEN Work Environment for an RTE (3 OF 3) panel (KCIP@PG3), such as started task prefixes.
  3. Recreate the RTE members and jobs.
    1. From the Primary Options Menu, select Create the RTE members and jobs.

      The $PARSE/$PARSESV: Create the RTE Members and Jobs (KCIP@PRS) panel is displayed.

    2. Select option 1 to submit the generated $PARSE or $PARSESV composite job.
      KCIP@PR1 -------------- CREATE THE RTE MEMBERS AND JOBS -----------------------
      Option ===>                                                                    
      Select option 1 to SUBMIT the full $PARSE job in WCONFIG for   RTE=SYSA.     
      $PARSE composite job creates product runtime members and jobs in    all the    
      PARMGEN WK* work libraries. 
      o: Press F5 to access the library-specific $PARSE* jobs (ideal in an RTE    
         reconfiguration scenario). First-time RTE deployment must run $PARSE.    
      o: Select R to submit the KCIJPUP1 job to refresh the IK* product and 
         WCONFIG *$IBM profiles before recreating the runtime members.   
      Enter ns (1s-2s) for detailed job/task status.                                 
                         Description                    Job Name   Status     Date   
         ---------------------------------------------- -------- --------- ----------
      R  Refresh IK* templates/WCONFIG *$IBM profiles.  KCIJPUP1    
      1. Create runtime members/jobs in all WK* libs.   $PARSE    
      Press F1=Help for more information.  Type UTIL to access utility menu.         
      Note that you see the second option only if the RTE is enabled for variables.
      The $PARSE or $PARSESV member is presented.
    3. Review the member for any jobs that need to be submitted manually, then submit the job.
      Return to the Workflow - Primary Options Menu.
  4. Submit the batch jobs to complete reconfiguration of the RTE.
    1. From the Primary Options Menu, select Submit batch jobs to complete PARMGEN setup.
      The Submit batch jobs to complete PARMGEN setup (KCIP@SUB ) is displayed.
      Option ===>                                                                    
      Select option 1 to SUBMIT the composite jobs in WKANSAMU for SYSA RTE.       
      Tip: Review the SUBMIT commands in the KCIJPSUB composite job.                 
      Alternatively, select other options (2-12) to submit each job individually.    
      Enter ns (1s-12s) for detailed job/task status.                                
                         Description               REQ  Job Name   Status     Date   
          --------------------------------------- ----- -------- --------- ----------
                                                                         More:     + 
      1.  Composite SUBMIT job (See JCL comments)       KCIJPSUB 
          ** or **                                                                   
      2.  Allocate runtime RO and RW datasets     (Yes) KCIJPALO 
      3.  Copy SMP/E mbrs from TK*->RK* RO libs   (Yes) KCIJPLOD 
      4.  Run product security steps              (Yes) KCIJPSEC 
      5.  Update variable-named runtime mbrs      (No ) KCIJPUPV                     
      6.  (Re)Create USS runtime mbrs in RKANDATV (Yes) KCIJPUSP 
      7.  Create USS dirs./ (Re)Copy USS files    (Yes) KCIJPUSS 
      8.  Copy runtime mbrs to SYS1-type libs (Caution) KCIJPSYS                     
      9.  Run post-SMP/E RKANMODU ASM/LINK steps  (Yes) KCIJPLNK 
      10. Verify the configuration jobs           (Tip) KCIJPIVP                     
      11. Back-up RK* product execution user libs (Tip) KCIJPCPR 
      12. Copy runtime mbrs from WK*->RK* RW libs (Yes) Enter 12 for details. 
      Press F1=Help for more information.  Type UTIL to access utility menu.
    2. Select option 1 to submit the KCIJPSUB master submit job, or select the other options to submit each job separately.
      If you select option 1, first review the KCIJPSUB job, and edit the job according to which of the conditional jobs can to be submitted automatically.
    3. Check for good condition codes.
      Note: The WSUPERC step will encounter an informational condition code of 4 if OMEGAMON for DB2® on z/OS is not configured in this runtime environment as there are no xKD2* libraries to compare.
    4. If you do not receive good condition codes, review the resulting output:
      • $IVPRPT report, which is stored in the WCONFIG library
      • WSUPERC SYSTSPRT report, which is stored in the WSUPERC sequential library
      Correct any errors, and rerun any jobs that did not complete successfully.