Mapping Enhanced 3270 interface workspaces to attribute tables
Use these tables to map between workspaces in the Enhanced 3270 user interface and attribute tables.
Workspace | Subpanels | Attribute table | Table prefix |
Active TN3270 Connections for Port Local_Port Panel ID: KN3TNAS |
Displays active TN3270 server connections for a TN3270 listener port on a TCP/IP stack, for both sessioned and sessionless TN3270 server connections. | ||
TN3270 Server Session Connections Summary | TN3270 Server Sess Avail Attributes | KN3TNA | |
TN3270 Server Sessionless Connections Summary | TN3270 Server Sess Avail Attributes | KN3TNA | |
Application Details for Application_Name Panel ID: KN3TAPD |
Displays connection data, throughput data, and datagram data for the selected application. | ||
Connection Statistics | TCPIP Applications Attributes | KN3TAP | |
Throughput Rates and Percents | TCPIP Applications Attributes | KN3TAP | |
Throughput Statistics | TCPIP Applications Attributes | KN3TAP | |
Datagram Statistics | TCPIP Applications Attributes | KN3TAP | |
Application TCP Listeners and Connections Panel ID: KN3TCLS |
Display connection and TCP listener information for the selected application. | ||
Connections Summary for <Application_Name> | TCPIP Details Attributes | KN3TCP | |
TCP Listeners Summary for <Application_Name> | TCP Listener Attributes | KN3TCL | |
Command and Response Log Panel ID: KN3CRTS |
Displays the commands and responses issued by the monitoring agent’s command handler. | ||
Command Log | KN3 Take Action Command Attributes | KN3CTA | |
Command Response | KN3 Take Action Command Response Attributes | KN3RTA | |
Command Response Panel ID: KN3CRTS2 |
Displays the responses issued by the monitoring agent’s command handler. | ||
Command Response | KN3 Take Action Command Response Attributes | KN3RTA | |
Connection Details Panel ID: KN3TCPD |
Displays configuration, status and response time, statistics, errors, window size, security, and TN3270 detail for the selected connection. | ||
Status and Response Time | TCPIP Details Attributes | KN3TCP | |
Retransmissions and Out of Order Segments | TCPIP Details Attributes | KN3TCP | |
Statistics | TCPIP Details Attributes | KN3TCP | |
Window Size | TCPIP Details Attributes | KN3TCP | |
Configuration | TCPIP Details Attributes | KN3TCP | |
Security | TCPIP Details Attributes | KN3TCP | |
TN3270 | TCPIP Details Attributes | KN3TCP | |
CSM by Owner Summary Panel ID: KN3CSOS |
Displays all address spaces using Communications Storage Manager (CSM) storage on a selected system. | ||
CSM Storage by Owner | KN3 CSM Storage by Owner Attributes | KN3CSO | |
CSM Storage Allocated by Pool | CSM Storage Attributes | KN3CSM | |
CSM Storage l | CSM Storage Attributes | KN3CSM | |
CSM Storage Details Panel ID: KN3CSMD |
Display Communications Storage Manager (CSM) storage and CSM storage by pool for the selected application | ||
CSM Storage | CSM Storage Attributes | KN3CSM | |
CSM Storage Allocated By Pool | CSM Storage Attributes | KN3CSM | |
EE Connection Summary for EE_PU_Name | Displays performance data for the selected Enterprise Extender (EE) link. | ||
Enterprise Extender Connection Details | EE Connections Details Attributes | KN3EED | |
HPR Connections Summary | HPR Connections Attributes | KN3HPR | |
Enterprise Active FTP Transfers Overview Panel ID: KN3FTPO |
Displays all active FTP transfers that became active within the display interval across the enterprise. Active transfers that were initiated before the display interval are not included. | ||
FTP Transfer Summary | TCPIP FTP Attributes | KN3FTP | |
Enterprise Applications Health Panel ID: KN3TAPO |
Displays a summary of applications, applications with percent out-of-order segments >=5% or total out-of-order segments >=15%, applications with connections in backlog >= 10 OR total backlog connections rejected > 10, and applications with percent segments retransmitted > 3% OR total segments retransmitted > 10 for applications throughout your enterprise. | ||
Applications Summary | TCPIP Applications Attributes | KN3TAP | |
Percent Out of Order Segments OR Total Out of Order Segments | TCPIP Applications Attributes | KN3TAP | |
Connections in Backlog OR Total Backlog Connections Rejected | TCPIP Applications Attributes | KN3TAP | |
Percent Segments Retransmit OR Total Segments Retransmit | TCPIP Applications Attributes | KN3TAP | |
Enterprise Connections Find Panel ID: KN3TCPF |
Displays TCP connection data for the connections that match your search criteria. | ||
TCP Connections Summary | TCPIP Details Attributes | KN3TCP | |
Enterprise Connections Health Panel ID: KN3TCPO |
Displays connection and inbound and outbound bytes and supports Take Action commands drop, ping, tracerte, and nslookup. | ||
Time Since Last Activity > 10 minutes | TCPIP Details Attributes | KN3TCP | |
Connection State Not Equal to Established | TCPIP Details Attributes | KN3TCP | |
Inbound or Outbound Bytes Buffered | TCPIP Details Attributes | KN3TCP | |
Enterprise EE and HPR Connections Health Panel ID: KN3EECO2 |
Displays Enterprise Extender (EE) and High Performance Routing (HPR) connections throughout your enterprise that are EE connections with high percent packets retransmitted, HPR connections with an ARB mode equal to yellow or red, HPR connections experiencing path switches, HPR connections with high unacknowledged buffers, HPR connections with high out of sequence buffers, HPR connections with long routes, and HPR connections where the actual initial throughput rate is less than the initial rate. | ||
EE Connections with High Percent Packets Retransmitted | EE Connections Attributes | KN3EEC | |
HPR Connections with ARB mode = Yellow or Red | HPR Connections Attributes | KN3HPR | |
HPR Connections Experiencing Path Switches | HPR Connections Attributes | KN3HPR | |
HPR Connections with High Unacknowledged Buffers | HPR Connections Attributes | KN3HPR | |
HPR Connections with High Out of Sequence Buffers | HPR Connections Attributes | KN3HPR | |
HPR Connections with Long Routes | HPR Connections Attributes | KN3HPR | |
HPR Connections with Actual < Initial Throughput Rate | HPR Connections Attributes | KN3HPR | |
Enterprise EE Connections Overview Panel ID: KN3EECO |
Provides information about performance data for Enterprise Extender (EE) links. | ||
Enterprise Extender Connections Summary | EE Connections Attributes | KN3EEC | |
Enterprise FTP Sessions Find Panel ID: KN3FSEF |
Displays FTP sessions data for the FTP sessions that match your search criteria. | ||
FTP Sessions Summary | FTP Sessions Attributes | KN3FSE | |
FTP Login Failures Summary | FTP Sessions Attributes | KN3FSE | |
FTP Session Failures Summary | FTP Sessions Attributes | KN3FSE | |
Enterprise FTP Sessions Overview Panel ID: KN3FSEO |
Displays all FTP Sessions that were completed or became active within the display interval across the Enterprise. Active sessions that were established prior to the display interval are not included. | ||
FTP Session Summary | FTP Sessions Attributes | KN3FSE | |
Enterprise FTP Transfers Find Panel ID: KN3FTPF |
Displays FTP transfers data for the FTP transfers that match your search criteria. | ||
FTP Transfers Summary | TCPIP FTP Attributes | KN3FTP | |
Enterprise HiperSockets Interfaces Overview Panel ID: KN3IFSO2 |
Displays interface statistics, status, and read and write queue information for HiperSocket interfaces throughout your enterprise. | ||
HiperSocket Interface Statistics | KN3 Interface Statistics Attributes | KN3IFS | |
HiperSocket Interface Status | KN3 Interface Status Attributes | KN3IFE | |
HiperSocket Interface Write Queue Statistics | KN3 Interface Write Queue Attributes | KN3IFW | |
HiperSocket Interface Read Queue Statistics | KN3 Interface Read Queue Attributes | KN3IFR | |
Enterprise HPR Connections Overview Panel ID: KN3HPRO |
Displays performance data for High-Performance Routing (HPR) Rapid Transfer Protocol (RTP) connections (pipes) when one endpoint of an HPR connection is located on a monitored z/OS® system image. | ||
HPR Connections Summary | HPR Connections Attributes | KN3HPR | |
Enterprise Interfaces Overview Panel ID: KN3IFSO |
Display errors, status, and statistics about the interfaces in your enterprise. | ||
Interface Errors | KN3 Interface Statistics Attributes | KN3IFS | |
Interface Status | KN3 Interface Status Attributes | KN3IFE | |
Interface Statistics | KN3 Interface Statistics Attributes | KN3IFS | |
Enterprise IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks Health Panel ID: KN3ASTO |
Displays information about your monitoring environment for all IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks agents throughout your enterprise. | ||
Agent & Subnode tab Panel ID: KN3ASTO |
Agent & Subnode Status | Managed Systems Attributes | O4SRV.INODESTS |
Agent Status | KN3 Agent Status Attributes | KN3AGS | |
Agent Configuration | KN3 Agent Status Attributes | KN3AGS | |
SNA Collector tab Panel ID: KN3SCSO |
SNA Collector Status | KN3 SNA Collector Status Attributes | KN3SCS |
VTAM® Application & Interfaces | KN3 SNA Collector Status Attributes | KN3SCS | |
TCP Collector tab Panel ID: KN3TCSO |
TCP Collector Status | KN3 TCP Collector Status Attributes | KN3TCS |
TCP Collector Status - Applications | KN3 TCP Collector Status Attributes | KN3TCS | |
TCPIP Status | KN3 TCP Collector Status Attributes | KN3TCS | |
TCP Collector Configuration | KN3 TCP Collector Status Attributes | KN3TCS | |
Enterprise Network Health Panel IDs: KN3START |
Is an alternative initial workspace for a subject matter expert who prefers to log on directly to the OMEGAMON® for IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks workspaces. | ||
Network Health for Applications | TCPIP Applications Attributes | KN3TAP | |
Enterprise OSA-Express Channels Overview Panel ID: KN3TCHO |
Displays information about the OSA channels in use in your enterprise. | ||
OSA-Express Channels Summary | OSA-Express Channels Attributes | KN3TCH | |
Enterprise OSA-Express Ports Overview Panel ID: KN35SEO |
Displays information about the various types of OSA ports in use in your enterprise. | ||
OSA5S tab Panel ID: KN35SEO |
OSA-Express5S Ports Error Summary | KN3 OSA-Express5S/6S Ports Errors Attributes | KN35SE |
OSA-Express5S Ports Statistics Summary | KN3 OSA-Express5S/6S Ports Summary Attributes | KN35SS | |
OSA3/4S tab Panel ID: KN3THEO |
OSA Express3 Ports Errors Summary | OSA-Express3/4S Ports Errors Attributes | KN3THE |
OSA Express3 Ports Statistics Summary | OSA-Express3/4S Ports Summary Attributes | KN3THS | |
OSA/2 tab Panel ID: KN3TPOO |
OSA-Express Ports Summary | OSA-Express Ports Attributes | KN3TPO |
Enterprise OSA Interfaces Overview Panel ID: KN3IFSO3 |
Displays interface statistics, interface status, interface read queue statistics, and interface write queue statistics for OSA interfaces throughout your enterprise. | ||
OSA Interface Statistics | KN3 Interface Statistics Attributes | KN3IFS | |
OSA Interface Status | KN3 Interface Status Attributes | KN3IFE | |
Interface Write Queue Statistics | KN3 Interface Write Queue Attributes | KN3IFW | |
OSA Interface Read Queue Statistics | KN3 Interface Read Queue Attributes | KN3IFR | |
Enterprise Summary Panel ID: KOBSTART |
Serves as a “dashboard” for the OMEGAMON v5.1.0 suite of products that use the enhanced 3270 user interface. Each agent has a subpanel contained within this main panel. The IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks subpanel is as follows: | ||
Network Health for Applications | TCPIP Applications Attributes | KN3TAP | |
Enterprise TCP Listeners Overview Panel ID: KN3TCLO |
Displays TCP listener summary information for all TCP listeners across the enterprise. | ||
TCP Listeners Summary | TCP Listener Attributes | KN3TCL | |
Enterprise TCPIP and VTAM Overview Panel ID: KN3TASO |
Displays information about all the TCPIP and VTAM address spaces throughout your enterprise. | ||
TCP/IP Summary | TCPIP Summary Attributes | KN3TAS | |
TCPIP Address Space | TCPIP Address Space Attributes | KN3TAS | |
VTAM Address Space | VTAM Address Space Attributes | KN3TAS | |
Enterprise TCPIP Stack Memory and CSM Overview Panel ID: KN3MEMO |
Displays Extended Common System Area (ECSA), private, 64-bit, and Communications Storage Manager (CSM) storage for the selected TCP/IP stack. | ||
ECSA Storage | TCPIP Memory Statistics Attributes | KN3TPV | |
Authorized Private Storage | TCPIP Memory Statistics Attributes | KN3TPV | |
64-bit Common Storage | TCPIP Memory Statistics Attributes | KN3TPV | |
CSM Storage | CSM Storage Attributes | KN3CSM | |
Enterprise TCPIP Stack Performance Overview Panel ID: KN3GICO |
Displays TCP, IP, and UPD metrics for the TCP/IP stacks across the enterprise. | ||
IP Layer Metrics | KN3 IP Counter Statistics Attributes | KN3GIC | |
TCP Layer Metrics | KN3 TCP Counter Statistics Attributes | KN3GTC | |
UDP Layer Metrics | KN3 UDP Counter Statistics Attributes | KN3GUC | |
Enterprise Connections Find Panel ID: KN3TNAF |
Displays TN3270 Server Sessions data for the TN3270 sessions that match your search criteria. | ||
TN3270 Server Connections Summary | TN3270 Server Sess Avail Attributes | KN3TNA | |
Enterprise TN3270 Servers Overview Panel ID: KN3TCLO2 |
Displays a summary of the TN3270 servers in your enterprise. | ||
TN3270 Server Summary | TCP Listener Attributes | KN3TCL | |
FTP Session Details Panel ID: KN3FSED |
IP addresses and ports, application name, user IDs, and sessions for the selected FTP session. | ||
IP Addresses and Ports | FTP Sessions Attributes | KN3FSE | |
Application Name and User ID | FTP Sessions Attributes | KN3FSE | |
Session | FTP Sessions Attributes | KN3FSE | |
FTP Transfer Details Panel ID: KN3FTPD |
Displays IP addresses and ports, transmission, user IDs and commands, and dataset and security information for the selected FTP transfer. | ||
IP Addresses and Ports | TCPIP FTP Attributes | KN3FTP | |
Transmission | TCPIP FTP Attributes | KN3FTP | |
User ID and Command | TCPIP FTP Attributes | KN3FTP | |
Dataset | TCPIP FTP Attributes | KN3FTP | |
Security | TCPIP FTP Attributes | KN3FTP | |
FTP Transfers for Session with Application_Name Panel ID: KN3FTPS |
Displays all FTP transfers that were completed or became active within the display interval for a selected FTP session. Active transfers that were initiated before the display interval are not included. | ||
FTP Transfers Summary | TCPIP FTP Attributes | KN3FTP | |
HPR Connection Details Panel ID: KN3HPRD |
Displays data about the selected HPR connection. | ||
ARB, Throughput, and Response Time | HPR Connections Attributes | KN3HPR | |
Retransmissions, Out of Sequence, and Unacknowledged | HPR Connections Attributes | KN3HPR | |
Path Switches, Sessions, and Links | HPR Connections Attributes | KN3HPR | |
SNA Links | HPR Connections Attributes | KN3HPR | |
Bytes and Packets Statistics | HPR Connections Attributes | KN3HPR | |
Configuration | HPR Connections Attributes | KN3HPR | |
Interface Details for Interface_Name Panel ID: KN3IFSD |
Displays IP addresses, status and statistics, unicast, multicast, and broadcast statistics, configuration, and interface read and write queue statistics for the selected interface. | ||
IP Addresses | KN3 Interface Address Attributes | KN3IFA | |
Status and Statistics | KN3 Interface Statistics Attributes | KN3IFS | |
Errors and Discards | KN3 Interface Statistics Attributes | KN3IFS | |
Unicast, Multicast and Broadcast Statistics | KN3 Interface Statistics Attributes | KN3IFS | |
Configuration | KN3 Interface Status Attributes | KN3IFE | |
Interface Write Queue Statistics | KN3 Interface Write Queue Attributes | KN3IFW | |
Interface Read Queue Statistics | KN3 Interface Read Queue Attributes | KN3IFR | |
OSA-Express LPARs for Channel_Number Panel ID: KN3TLPS |
Displays information about the OSA LPARs defined by <Channel_Number>. | ||
OSA-Express LPARs | OSA-Express LPARS Attributes | KN3TLP | |
OSA-Express Port Details Panel ID: KN3TPOD |
Displays configuration, status, and statistics for the selected OSA-Express Port. | ||
Configuration | OSA-Express Ports Attributes | KN3TPO | |
Status and Statistics | OSA-Express Ports Attributes | KN3TPO | |
OSA-Express Ports for Channel Channel_Number Panel ID: KN3THES |
Displays information about OSA5S ports, OSA Express3 ports, OSA Express2 10-Gigabit ports, and OSA-Express ports for the selected OSA port defined by Channel_Number. | ||
OSA Express5S Ports Errors Summary | KN3 OSA-Express5S/6S Ports Errors Attributes | KN35SE | |
OSA Express5S Ports Statistics Summary | KN3 OSA-Express5S/6S Ports Summary Attributes | KN35SS | |
OSA Express3 Ports Errors Summary | OSA-Express3/4S Ports Errors Attributes | KN3THE | |
OSA Express3 Ports Statistics Summary | OSA-Express3/4S Ports Summary Attributes | KN3THS | |
OSA-Express Ports Summary | OSA-Express Ports Attributes | KN3TPO | |
OSA-Express Ports for Interface_Name Panel ID: KN3THES2 |
Dsplays information about OSA5S ports, OSA Express3 ports, OSA Express2 10-Gigabit ports, and OSA-Express ports for the selected OSA port defined by Interface_Name. | ||
OSA Express5S Ports Errors Summary | KN3 OSA-Express5S/6S Ports Errors Attributes | KN35SE | |
OSA Express5S Ports Statistics Summary | KN3 OSA-Express5S/6S Ports Summary Attributes | KN35SS | |
OSA Express3 Ports Errors Summary | OSA-Express3/4S Ports Errors Attributes | KN3THE | |
OSA-Express Ports Summary | OSA-Express Ports Attributes | KN3TPO | |
OSA-Express2 10-Gigabit Port Details Panel ID: KN3TTTD |
Displays configuration, status and statistics, unicast, broadcast, and multicast packet statistics, VLAN and jumbo packets. and errors for the selected OSA Express2 10-Gigabit port. | ||
OSA-Express3 Port Details for Port_Name Panel ID: KN3THTD |
Displays configuration, status and statistics, collisions, broadcast and multicast packet statistics, errors, packets received and transmitted by packet size, and total packets received and transmitted by packet size for the selected OSA Express3 port. | ||
Configuration | OSA-Express3/4S Ports Summary Attributes | KN3THS | |
Status and Statistics | OSA-Express3/4S Ports Summary Attributes | KN3THS | |
Collision Statistics | OSA-Express3/4S Ports Errors Attributes | KN3THE | |
Broadcast and Multicast Statistics | OSA-Express3/4S Ports Throughput Attributes | KN3THT | |
Errors | OSA-Express3/4S Ports Errors Attributes | KN3THE | |
Packets Received and Transmitted Per Packet Size | OSA-Express3/4S Ports Throughput Attributes | KN3THT | |
Total Packets Received and Transmitted Per Packet Size | OSA-Express3/4S Ports Throughput Attributes | KN3THT | |
OSA-Express5S Port Details for Port_Name Panel ID: KN35STD |
Displays configuration, status and statistics, collisions, broadcast and multicast packet statistics, errors, packets received and transmitted by packet size, and total packets received and transmitted by packet size for the selected OSA Express5S port. | ||
Control tab Panel ID: KN35SCD |
Control subpanel | KN3 OSA-Express5S/6S Ports Control Attributes | KN35SC |
Errors tab Panel ID: KN35SED |
Errors subpanel | KN3 OSA-Express5S/6S Ports Errors Attributes | KN35SE |
Stats tab Panel ID: KN35SPD |
Packets Received and Transmitted Per Packet Size | KN3 OSA-Express5S/6S Ports Throughput Attributes | KN35ST |
Broadcast and Multicast Statistics | KN3 OSA-Express5S/6S Ports Throughput Attributes | KN35ST | |
Summary tab Panel ID: KN35SSD |
Summary subpanel | KN3 OSA-Express5S/6S Ports Summary Attributes | KN35SS |
Config tab Panel ID: KN35STD |
Configuration subpanel | KN3 OSA-Express5S/6S Ports Summary Attributes | KN35SS |
TCP Listener Connections for Application_Name Panel ID: KN3TCLS2 |
Displays the TCP listeners for the application at the specified local IP address and local port. | ||
Connections for Port Local_Port, Local IP Local_IP_Address | TCPIP Details Attributes | KN3TCP | |
TCPIP Address Space Details Panel ID: KN3TASD |
Displays information about the selected TCPIP address space. | ||
Performance | TCPIP Address Space Attributes | KN3TAS | |
Traffic Summary | TCPIP Address Space Attributes | KN3TAS | |
Storage Usage | TCPIP Address Space Attributes | KN3TAS | |
Reassembly and Fragmentation | TCPIP Address Space Attributes | KN3TAS | |
Resource Summary | TCPIP Address Space Attributes | KN3TAS | |
Configuration | TCPIP Address Space Attributes | KN3TAS | |
TCPIP Stack IP Performance Details Panel ID: KN3GICD |
Displays information about discards and errors, reassemblies and fragmentations, and other statistics for the IP layer of the selected system. | ||
IPversion Layer Discards and Errors | KN3 IP Counter Statistics Attributes | KN3GIC | |
KN3 IP General Statistics Attributes | KN3GIG | ||
IPversion Layer Reassemblies and Fragmentations | KN3 IP Counter Statistics Attributes | KN3GIC | |
IPversion Layer Statistics | KN3 IP Counter Statistics Attributes | KN3GIC | |
TCPIP Stack IP Performance Details Panel ID: KN3GICD2 |
From the context of a specific TCP/IP stack, displays discards and errors, reassemblies and fragmentations, and statistics for IPv4 and IPv6 layers for the specified system and TCP/IP stack. | ||
IPv4 Layer Discards and Errors | KN3 IP Counter Statistics Attributes | KN3GIC | |
KN3 IP General Statistics Attributes | KN3GIG | ||
IPv4 Layer Reassemblies and Fragmentations | KN3 IP Counter Statistics Attributes | KN3GIC | |
IPv4 Layer Statistics | KN3 IP Counter Statistics Attributes | KN3GIC | |
IPv6 Layer Discards and Errors | KN3 IP Counter Statistics Attributes | KN3GIC | |
KN3 IP General Statistics Attributes | KN3GIG | ||
IPv6 Layer Reassemblies and Fragmentations | KN3 IP Counter Statistics Attributes | KN3GIC | |
IPv6 Layer Statistics | KN3 IP Counter Statistics Attributes | KN3GIC | |
TCPIP Stack TCP Performance Details Panel ID: KN3GTCD |
Displays retransmits, discards and errors, connection statistics, and data statistics for the TCP layer of the selected TCP/IP stack. | ||
TCP Layer Retransmits | KN3 TCP Counter Statistics Attributes | KN3GTC | |
TCP Layer Discards and Errors | KN3 TCP Counter Statistics Attributes | KN3GTC | |
TCP Layer Connection Statistics | KN3 TCP Counter Statistics Attributes | KN3GTC | |
TCP Layer Data Statistics | KN3 TCP Counter Statistics Attributes | KN3GTC | |
TN3270 Connection Details for Telnet_LU_Name Panel ID: KN3TNAD |
Displays average and bucket response times, traffic statistics, and configuration and status information for the TN3270 connection specified by Telnet_LU_Name. | ||
Average Response Times | TN3270 Server Sess Avail Attributes | KN3TNA | |
Bucket Response Times | TN3270 Response Time Buckets Attributes | KN3TNB | |
Traffic Statistics | TN3270 Server Sess Avail Attributes | KN3TNA | |
Configuration and Status | TN3270 Server Sess Avail Attributes | KN3TNA | |
TN3270 Server Connections for Port Local_Port Panel ID: KN3TNAS2 |
Displays all TN3270 server connections for a TN3270 listener port on a TCP/IP stack, for both sessioned and sessionless TN3270 server connections. | ||
TN3270 Server Session Connections Summary Subpanel | TN3270 Server Sess Avail Attributes | KN3TNA | |
TN3270 Server Sessionless Connections Summary | TN3270 Server Sess Avail Attributes | KN3TNA | |
TN3270 Server Summary for Application_Name Panel ID: KN3TCLS3 |
Displays information about the TCP Listeners that provided data for the selected TN3270 server. | ||
TN3270 Server Summary | TCP Listener Attributes | KN3TCL | |
UDP Connection Details Panel ID: KN3UDPD |
Displays information about the selected UDP connection. | ||
Statistics | UDP Connections Attributes | KN3UDP | |
Datagram Statistics | UDP Connections Attributes | KN3UDP | |
Date and Time | UDP Connections Attributes | KN3UDP | |
Configuration | UDP Connections Attributes | KN3UDP | |
VTAM Address Space Details Panel ID: KN3VASD |
Displays information about the selected VTAM address space. | ||
Performance | VTAM Address Space Attributes | KN3VAS | |
Storage Usage | VTAM Address Space Attributes | KN3VAS | |
Start I/O per second | VTAM Address Space Attributes | KN3VAS | |
High and Low Usage of Storage | VTAM Address Space Attributes | KN3VAS | |
VTAM Address Space Summary | VTAM IO Attributes | KN3VIO | |
Configuration | VTAM Address Space Attributes | KN3VAS | |
VTAM Buffer Pool Pool_Name Details Panel ID: KN3BPDD |
Displays detailed information about the selected VTAM buffer pool. | ||
Pool tab Panel ID: KN3BPDD |
Pool | VTAM Buffer Pool Attributes | KN3BPD |
Buffers | VTAM Buffer Pool Attributes | KN3BPD | |
Configuration | VTAM Buffer Pool Attributes | KN3BPD | |
Extents tab Panel ID: KN3BPES |
Extents | VTAM Buffer Pool Attributes | KN3BPD |
Pool Buffer Extents | VTAM Buffer Pool Extents Attributes | KN3BPE | |
Usage tab Panel ID: KN3BPAS |
Usage by Address Space | VTAM Buffer Usage by Address Space Attributes | KN3BPS |
Usage by Application | VTAM Buffer Usage By Application for Address Space Attributes | KN3BPA | |
Usage by Category | VTAM Buffer Usage By Category Attributes | KN3BPG | |
VTAM Buffer Pool Summary Panel ID: KN3BPDS |
Displays information about the VTAM Buffer Pools on a selected system. | ||
Buffer Pools Summary | VTAM Buffer Pool Attributes | KN3BPD |