Configuring the SNMP file

Before you can use the enhanced SNMP function, you must configure it. This section describes how to use the sample SNMP manager configuration file, KN3SNMP.

The SNMP manager configuration sample file, KN3SNMP, is created by the configuration tool and stored in &hilev.&midlev.&rtename.RKANSAMU.

The parameters specified in the configuration file depend on whether you are adding community-based security entries (SNMPv2) or user-based security entries (SNMPv3).

Notes on the KN3SNMP sample file

  • Do not modify or point your PROCs to this sample copy. This copy will be regenerated when the RTE is loaded. Make a copy of this sample and modify it to your needs.
  • The SNMP configuration file can be a sequential data set or a member of a partitioned data set. The SNMP configuration file does not have to have the same attributes as the &rhilev.&midlev.&rtename.RKANSAMU data set. The data set might have fixed or variable record format with a record length of up to and including 2048 bytes.
  • Create your site's SNMP configuration file after you run the Configuration Tool or PARMGEN, but before you start the IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks monitoring agent.