Parameters used by PARMGEN

The comprehensive list of parameters for this monitoring agent are used by the PARMGEN configuration method are grouped logically in the configuration profile.

The PARMGEN configuration method is the preferred method for configuring the Tivoli® Management Services on z/OS® components and the OMEGAMON® products.

With the PARMGEN configuration method, you edit a comprehensive list of parameters for configuring all installed products and components. You then submit a series of jobs to create a complete runtime environment with the parameter values you specified.

If you are an existing Configuration Tool user and already have an existing runtime environment that you want to convert to PARMGEN, you can do this. Refer to the IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON and Tivoli Management Services on z/OS: PARMGEN Reference for information about migrating to PARMGEN.

These parameters are found in the configuration profile, which can be generated from an existing RTE. If this is a new installation or if you do not want to base the configuration profile on an existing RTE, a default configuration profile is provided and can be edited. Refer to the IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON and Tivoli Management Services on z/OS: PARMGEN Reference to understand the other scenarios for using PARMGEN.

In the configuration profile, the OMEGAMON parameters are organized into the groups found in Table 1:

Table 1. IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks parameters divided into the groups found in the configuration profile
PARMGEN classification Parameters in this group Explanation
Additional IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks Agent settings Specifies settings for initializing Tivoli Monitoring: Services (TMS: Engine). These values are usually found in the KN3SYSIN member in the rhilev.midlev.rtename. RKANPARU library and are usually updated only with the assistance of IBM® Software Support.
Advanced Agent configuration values Specifies a wide range of essential agent configuration parameters, including parameters that define such values as where console messages are displayed, whether TCP/IP can be recycled, language of the interface, virtual addresses, and storage-related values.
Agent nonstandard parameters Nonstandard parameters are customer-defined or hidden options that do not correspond to fields in the Configuration Tool interactive panels. This set of parameters defines the values required to establish a nonstandard parameter. Create these parameters under the guidance of IBM Software Support.
Agent parameters: TCP/IP information Sets the global values for all configurable parameters unique to the IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks monitoring agent.
Agent's Applids Specifies the VTAM application IDs (applids) that the agent uses to define communication with the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. Applids are used for communication with the monitoring server except for KN3_AGT_VTAM_ APPL_CNM_SPO, which is used to collect CNM data. These parameters are not used unless you are using SNA (instead of TCP/IP) to communicate with the monitoring server.
Agent's local TCP/IP information Provides the TCP/IP information that the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server uses to communicate with the monitoring agent.
Agent's local VTAM and logon information Specifies the values used by the agent for defining VTAM definitions specific to the monitoring agent.
Agent's primary TEMS TCP/IP information
Note: KN3_TEMS_TCP_HOST and KN3_AGT_TCP_HOST must be the same value if KN3_TEMS_LOCAL _CONNECT_FLAG=Y (Agent connects to local TEMS).
Specifies the host name of the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server specific to this monitoring agent. This field is required if you plan to have this server communicate with agents using TCP/IP.
Agent's Primary TEMS VTAM information: Specifies the VTAM information used by the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server to communicate with the monitoring agent.
Audit parameters Specifies the amount of detail, maximum number of entries, and identifier for z/OS SAF tracing.
Define TCP monitoring systems member
Note: Specify KN3_TCPXxx_* row for each TCP/IP monitored stack. Global default is $$$$ (monitor all TCP/IP stacks).
Sets the stack-specific values that override the global parameters for all configurable parameters unique to the IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks monitoring agent.
Define TN3270 Telnet session link user values Specifies the IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS user ID and password that IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks logs onto dynamically. The applid is the applid for the Tivoli NetView on z/OS application. The user data is the user ID and password that must be passed to NetView for z/OS to complete the login.
Enable self-describing agent processing Specifies whether this monitoring agent plans to use the self-describing agent feature.
If the Agent requires address translation support Specifies the partition name that identifies the location of this TEMS (namespace) relative to the firewall(s) used for address translation.
If the Agent requires network interface list support Specifies a list of network interfaces you want the monitoring agent to use. This parameter is required for sites that are running multiple TCP/IP interfaces or network adapters on the same z/OS image.
Persistent datastore table space allocation overrides Specifies the information required for this monitoring agent to override the global RTE defaults for space allocation for the persistent data store libraries and for overhead information such as the product dictionary, table records, index records, and buffers to hold overflow data.
Protocol port numbers for Agent connection to TEMS Specifies the port numbers used by the protocols specified under Specify communication protocols preference for TEMS connection for communication between the monitoring agent and Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
Secondary TEMS configuration Specifies the name of that server if you have defined a backup Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. The BKUP1 values are found in the KN3ENV member in the rhilev.midlev.rtename. RKANPARU library to communicate with the backup Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
Secondary TEMS TCP/IP information Specifies TCP/IP information for a backup Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server if you have defined a backup monitoring server. The BKUP1 values are found in the KN3ENV member in the rhilev.midlev.rtename. RKANPARU library to communicate with the backup Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
Secondary TEMS VTAM information: Specifies VTAM or SNA information for the backup Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server if you have defined a backup monitoring server. The BKUP1 values are found in the KN3ENV member in the rhilev.midlev.rtename. RKANPARU library to communicate with the backup Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
Specify communication protocols preference for TEMS connection Details the protocol possibilities for communication between the monitoring agent and Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server in the order in which the protocols will be used.
Take Action commands security settings Defines the connection between IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks and Tivoli NetView for z/OS if you use Tivoli NetView for z/OS and specifies whether to override at the agent the SAF security value specified for the runtime environment.
Values that describe the address space Specifies the name of the address space where you are running in and the name of your agent PROC.
Values that describe the Primary TEMS the Agent will connect to Defines the information required to connect to the local Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
VTAM Secondary Program Operator (SPO) for Communication Network Management (CNM) interface (optional) Defines how the IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks monitoring agent communicates with the VTAM CNM interface to collect monitoring information.