Use the KN3_X_SECURITY_RESOURCE_CLASS parameter to specify a value in the KN3INNAM member in rhilev.midlev.rtename.RKANPARU that contains protected class lists information.

Required or optional
Location where parameter value is stored
In the KN3INNAM member of the rhilev.midlev.rtename.RKANPARU library
Parameter name
EXIT="&XN3SCLA" (External security classes)
Default value
blank (no value specified)
Permissible values
A character string up to 8 characters in length
In the Configuration Tool
The monitoring agent cannot set this value using the Configuration Tool. This value is defined using the common parameter RTE_SECURITY_USER_LOGON and set on panel KCIPRT1. The monitoring agent sets this value internally . This value could be updated using nonstandard parameters. However, this workaround is not recommended.
Batch parameter name

See Parameter names.

PARMGEN classification
Additional agent settings

External security classes

This parameter specifies a value in the KN3INNAM member in rhilev.midlev.rtename.RKANPARU that contains protected class lists information. This parameter is used by external security packages to construct the correct resource validation request. This value is the same as the value set using the RTE_SECURITY_USER_LOGON parameters. This value is passed to the IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks monitoring agent by the Configuration Tool.

The default for IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks CLASSES is "".

Example: CLASSES=" "

Related parameters