Use the KN3_X_AGT_LSRPOOL_BUFFER_NUM parameter to specify the number of virtual storage buffers to be allocated for the specified buffer pool in the VSAM resource pool.

Required or optional
Location where parameter value is stored
In the KN3SYSIN member of the rhilev.midlev.rtename.RKANPARU library
Parameter name
LSRPOOL(&XN3BNUM,number) (Number of buffers)
Default value
Permissible values
3 - 65535 (to the maximum amount of available virtual storage in the monitoring agent address space)
In the Configuration Tool
This value cannot be updated using the Configuration Tool. It is set internally and could be updated using nonstandard parameters. However, this workaround is not recommended.
Batch parameter name

See Parameter names.

PARMGEN classification
Additional agent settings

Number of buffers

This parameter specifies the number of virtual storage buffers to be allocated for buffer pool "n" in the VSAM resource pool. You must specify a size for each buffer pool individually. You cannot string the definitions because they must be specified individually.

Permissible values: 3-65535.

This parameter has size of buffers and number of buffer and is specified as LSRPOOL(32768,32).

The default for IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks LSRPOOL buffer number is 32.

Example: To see this parameter specified in the context of the KN3SYSIN member, see Sample KN3SYSIN member.

Related parameters