Use the KN3_TEMS_TCP_UDP6_PORT_NUM parameter to specify the IP6.UDP port number that you want to use.

Required or optional
Required if you specified a value of IP6 in one of the KN3_AGT_COMM_PROTOCOLn protocol parameters.
Location where the parameter value is stored
The KN3ENV member of the rhilev.midlev.rtename.RKANPARU library
Parameter name
IP6.UDP PORT: (Agent IP.UDP port number)
Default value
No default
Permissible values
1 - 65535
Batch parameter name

Agent IP6.UDP port number for IPv6

This parameter specifies the IP6.UDP port number that you want to use. This port number is used by the non-secure Network Computing System (NCS) IP (UDP) protocol. The default is 1918.
Note: Port numbers for non-secure IP.PIPE protocols must match.

This parameter is required if you specified a value of IP6 in one of the KN3_AGT_COMM_PROn protocol parameters.

Example: To see this parameter specified in the context of the KN3ENV member, see Sample KN3ENV member.

Related parameters