Use the KN3_TEMS_BKUP1_TCP_HOST to specify the TCP/IP hostname identifier for the backup Tivoli® Enterprise Monitoring Server that this agent should try to connect to if the primary server is unavailable.

Required or optional
Optional. Required field if you plan to have this monitoring agent communicate with the backup server using TCP/IP.
Location where the parameter value is stored
In the KN3ENV member in the rhilev.midlev.rtename.RKANPARU library
Parameter name
CT_CMSLIST=\ (Agent backup Server TCP/IP hostname)
Default value
No default
Permissible values
A string of up to 32 characters
Batch parameter name
PARMGEN classification
Secondary TEMS TCP/IP information

Agent backup Server TCP/IP hostname

This parameter specifies the TCP/IP hostname identifier for the backup Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server that this agent should try to connect to if the primary server is unavailable. This is a required field if you plan to have this agent communicate with the backup server using TCP/IP.

Specify the network address of the system on which the secondary monitoring server that this monitoring agent connects to is running. A network address may be specified as one of the following values:
  1. A fully-qualified hostname (for example:
  2. The first qualifier of the fully-qualified hostname (for example: sys for
  3. An IPv4 address in dotted decimal notation (for example:

If the secondary monitoring server is running on a z/OS® platform, you can find this value by issuing the TSO HOMETEST command from the system where the secondary monitoring server is running. If you will specify the hostname value for network address, use the first qualifier of the fully qualified hostname if the z/OS domain name resolver configuration specifies a search path that would include the target domain suffix. Otherwise, specify the fully-qualified hostname when using a Domain Name Server (DNS). If you will specify the IP address value for network address, use the assigned IPv4 address written in dotted decimal notation. This scheme is numeric and consists of four groups separated by a period (.).

Example: To see this parameter specified in the context of the KN3ENV member, see Sample KN3ENV member.

Related parameters