KN3_TCPXnn_TCPIP_PROFILES_MBR specifies the member name of the TN3270 profile in the TCP/IP profile data set.

Required or optional
Optional. This field is required if the TCP/IP profile data set is a partitioned data store.
Location where the parameter value is stored
In the KN3TCPMO member in the rhilev.midlev.rtename.RKANPARU library
Parameter name
N3PFLMEM (TN3270 profile member name)
Default value
No default
Permissible values
A character string of up to 8 characters
Batch parameter name
PARMGEN classification
Define TCP monitoring systems member

TN3270 profile member name

The parameter specifies the member name of the TN3270 profile in the TCP/IP profile data set. This value is required if you specify a partitioned data set. It is not used if you specify a sequential data set. See also KN3_TCPXnn_TCPIP_PROFILES_DSN.

Related parameters