Use the KN3_TCPXnn_OVRD_INTS parameter to specify whether to override the global interface collection setting for this address space.

Required or optional
Optional unless you want to override the global value for this parameter. See KN3_TCP_INTS.
Location where the parameter value is stored
In the KN3AGOPT member in the rhilev.midlev.rtename.RKANSAMU library
Parameter name
KN3FCCMD START INTS TCPNAME(tcpip_proc_name) (Collection Override for Interfaces)

TCPNAME identifies the TCP/IP address spaces to which this parameter applies. tcpip_proc_name is the name of a TCP/IP address space in your environment.

Default value
The global value. See KN3_TCP_INTS.
Permissible values
Y, N
Batch parameter name
PARMGEN classification
Define TCP monitoring systems member

Collection Override for Interfaces

The parameter determines whether to override the global interface collection setting for this address space. Y indicates interface data will be collected for this address space. N indicates interface data will not be collected for this address space.

Related parameters