Use the KN3_AGT_TCP_KDEB_INTERFACELIST parameter to specify a list of network interfaces you want the monitoring agent to use.
- Required or optional
- Optional
- Location where the parameter value is stored
- In the KN3ENV member of the rhilev.midlev.rtename.RKANPARU
- Parameter name
- Default value
- None
- Permissible values
- Character string, maximum length 44
- Batch parameter name
- PARMGEN name
- PARMGEN classification
- If the Agent requires network interface list support
- Description
- TCP/IP network interface list
This parameter specifies a list of network interfaces you want the monitoring agent to use. This parameter is required for sites that are running multiple TCP/IP interfaces or network adapters on the same z/OS® image.
Setting this parameter allows you to direct the monitoring agent to connect to a specific TCP/IP local interface. Specify the network adapters as one or more of the following values:- A fully-qualified hostname, for example
- The first qualifier of the fully-qualified hostname, for example
- An IPv4 address in dotted decimal notation, for example
If your site supports DNS, you can enter the short hostname or an IP address. If your site does not support DNS, you must enter the fully qualified hostname. This field is only applicable for networks with multiple interface cards for which a specific output network interface list is required.
If an interface address or a list of interface addresses is specified, the Configuration Tool generates the KDEB_INTERFACELIST parameter in the KN3ENV member of the rhilev.midlev.rtename.RKANPARU library.
Note: This value defaults to the IPv4 network interface list setting used by the Tivoli® Enterprise Monitoring Server if one is configured in this RTE. Also, separate the entries using a blank space between interface addresses. For example:
In addition, special considerations apply when specifying !<&value> or * for this field. Type==> SYS1 SYS.IBM.COM
on the command line when you are in the Configuration Tool to see more information about network interface list considerations and usage.Example: To see this parameter specified in the context of the KN3ENV member, see Sample KN3ENV member.
- A fully-qualified hostname, for example
- Related parameters
- The following parameters in the IBM® Tivoli OMEGAMON® and Tivoli Management Services on z/OS: Parameter Reference Guide: