Use the KPP_AGT_ICU_LANGUAGE_LOCALE parameter to activate write-to-operator messages for a particular agent.

Required or optional
Location where the parameter value is stored
In the KN3ENV member of the rhilev.midlev.rtename.RKANPARU library
Parameter name
KGL_WTO= (Enable agent WTO messages)
Default value
Permissible values
Batch parameter name
PARMGEN classification
Advanced agent configuration values
Enable agent WTO messages

Specify Y to this parameter if you want a SYSLOG message on the console to indicate when the monitoring agent finishes initializing. You can use this message in an automation script. See the automation package for your site for further instructions on how to capture the monitoring agent startup automation message IDs. If you specify Y, the KGL_WTO=YES parameter is added to the rhilev.midlev.rtename.RKANPARU(KN3ENV) member. The default is N for the Configuration Tool and YES for PARMGEN.

Note: The existence of the KGL_WTO= parameter triggers the startup console messages. Therefore this parameter must not be present in the KN3ENV member if you do not want this feature enabled. When it is enabled after configuration, the parameter is added to the KN3ENV member. If you want to turn it off again, you must regenerate the Configuration Tool N3#3xxx job created in the monitoring agent Create runtime members step to refresh KN3ENV, where xxx is the JCL suffix. If you configured using PARMGEN, you can edit the configuration profile and recycle the monitoring agent.

Example: To see this parameter specified in the context of the KN3ENV member, see Sample KN3ENV member.

Related parameters