Use the KN3_AGT_CONFIGURATION_MODE parameter to specify how you want to run the monitoring agent you are defining, in the agent address space or the server address space.

Required or optional
Location where parameter value is stored
The parameter value is not stored, but is used for internal processing.
Parameter name
Default value
Permissible values
Batch parameter name
PARMGEN classification
Values that describe the address space

Agent configuration option

This parameter specifies how you want to run the monitoring agent you are defining.

When defining an agent, you have the option to run the agent in an agent address space or in the server address space. For performance reasons, you should run the agent in an agent address space. If you plan to run the agent in the server address space, the runtime environment must contain a server.

To run the agent in an agent address space, choose Option 3 (AGTCMS) in the Configuration Tool, which is the preferred configuration or specify STANDALONE in PARMGEN. Otherwise, by choosing PF5 Advanced from the KN341MCU panel (the Mainframe Networks main menu panel), you specify CMS in the Configuration Tool or TEMS in PARMGEN to run the agent in the server. The procedures outlined in IBM® Tivoli® IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks: Planning and Configuration Guide assumes that you are running the recommended configuration for this agent, which is running in the agent address space.

Related parameters