Default values

All components and the monitoring agent have default values defined for them.

Some parameters have only one default value, and some have more than one. For example, TMS:Engine (Tivoli® Monitoring Services:Engine) sets this global default value for the KDS_TEMS_STORAGE_LIMIT_EXTEND parameter:
However, the PARMGEN files override the TMS:Engine default and show a different default value for the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server:

When you edit a default value in a PARMGEN file, your edited value overrides the PARMGEN default value, which has already overridden the TMS:Engine default value (if a TMS:Engine default value exists). If you configured your environment using PARMGEN, the value for the KDS_TEMS_STORAGE_LIMIT_EXTEND parameter would be 24.

The IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks monitoring agent KN3_X_AGT_STORAGE_LIMIT_EXTEND parameter has still a different default value.

If the monitoring agent is configured in the TEMS address space, the TEMS value applies to both the TEMS and the monitoring agent, and the monitoring agent does not have its own value. If the monitoring agent is configured stand-alone, then the monitoring agent value for each parameter overrides the TME:Engine value, and the TEMS value has no effect on the monitoring agent.

If the hub monitoring server and the remote monitoring server reside on z/OS®, they must also be modified to use LIMIT(24,X). Follow the process outlined in the Configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server on z/OS book and ensure that the KDS_TEMS_STORAGE_LIMIT_EXTEND parameter is set to greater than or equal to 24.

Default values for runtime environment and Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server parameters are documented in the IBM® Tivoli OMEGAMON® and Tivoli Management Services on z/OS: Parameter Reference. Default values for this monitoring agent are documented in this guide and are shown in the parameter maps (described in Obtaining parameter reports in the IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON and Tivoli Management Services on z/OS: Common Planning and Configuration Guide).