Sample SNMP manager configuration file
Here is a sample configuration file:
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM #
# 5698-A35 #
# ¸ Copyright Rocket Software Inc. 2019, 2021. All rights reserved #
# ¸ Copyright IBM Corporation 2006, 2017. All rights reserved #
# #
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or #
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. #
# #
# #
# PURPOSE: Sample Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) #
# configuration file #
# #
# This sample provides information for configuring SNMP manager #
# functions used by TCP/IP data collection. The entries define SNMP #
# agents with which the SNMP manager functions may communicate. They #
# also provide additional information to enable the communication. #
# #
# It is possible to share a single SNMP configuration file among #
# OMEGAMON for Networks started task procedures. Sharing a single #
# SNMP configuration file could make it easier for an administrator #
# to maintain the list of TCP/IP stacks that OMEGAMON for Networks #
# monitors. A shared KN3SNMP configuration can be achieved #
# by altering the KN3SNMP DD card in the OMEGAMON for Networks #
# started task procedures to use the same SNMP configuration file. #
# #
# This file may have fixed or variable record format and a record #
# length up to and including 2048 bytes. #
# #
# The rules for the entries in this file are as follows. #
# #
# - Comments begin with a # character in column 1 #
# - All parameters for an entry must be contained on one line #
# #
# The parameters specified in the configuration file depend on #
# whether you are adding community-based security entries (SNMPv2) #
# or user-based security entries (SNMPv3). This file may contain a #
# combination of SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 entries. #
# #
# A community-based security entry includes four (4) required #
# positional parameters: #
# #
# - SNMP agent address #
# #
# The IP address, in IPv4 dotted decimal format or IPv6 colon #
# hexadecimal format, of an SNMP agent with which the SNMP #
# manager functions of TCP/IP data collection may communicate. #
# There is no default value. #
# #
# - SNMP agent port number #
# #
# The port number on which an SNMP agent is listening for #
# requests. The value may be between 1 and 65535, inclusive. #
# A dash (-) indicates the default value of 161. #
# #
# - SNMP version #
# #
# The version of the SNMP protocol whose requests are being #
# used to communicate with an SNMP agent. Community-based #
# security entries contain "snmpv2" or "snmpv2c". #
# #
# - Community name #
# #
# The community name (password) to be used in requests sent to #
# an SNMP agent. The value may be between 1 and 255 characters, #
# inclusive, in length. A dash (-) indicates the default value #
# of "public". #
# #
# A user-based security entry includes eleven (11) required #
# positional parameters: #
# #
# - SNMP agent address #
# #
# The IP address, in IPv4 dotted decimal format or IPv6 colon #
# hexadecimal format, of an SNMP agent with which the SNMP #
# manager functions of TCP/IP data collection may communicate. #
# There is no default value. #
# #
# - SNMP agent port number #
# #
# The port number on which an SNMP agent is listening for #
# requests. The value may be between 1 and 65535, inclusive. #
# A dash (-) indicates the default value of 161. #
# #
# - SNMP version #
# #
# The version of the SNMP protocol whose requests are being #
# used to communicate with an SNMP agent. User-based security #
# entries contain "snmpv3". #
# #
# - User name #
# #
# The user name defined at the SNMP agent by a USM_USER entry #
# which belongs to a VACM_GROUP with read access to a view #
# subtree including or internet. The value may be #
# between 1 and 32 characters, inclusive, in length. There is #
# no default value. #
# #
# - Password #
# #
# The password used to generate authentication and privacy keys #
# for this user. The value may be between 8 and 64 characters, #
# inclusive, in length. A dash (-) indicates that the password #
# is not specified. #
# #
# - Security level #
# #
# The security level to be used for communications with the #
# SNMP agent. "noAuthNoPriv" or "none" will not use #
# authentication or privacy. "AuthNoPriv" or "auth" uses #
# authentication without privacy. "AuthPriv" or "priv" uses #
# both authentication and privacy. A dash (-) indicates the #
# default value of "noAuthNoPriv". #
# #
# - Authentication protocol #
# #
# The authentication protocol requested for communications #
# with the SNMP agent. The valid values for authentication #
# are "HMAC-MD5" and "HMAC-SHA". A dash (-) indicates #
# authentication was not requested. #
# #
# - Authentication key #
# #
# The non-localized authentication key to be used for #
# communications with the SNMP agent. The values are 32 and #
# 40 hexadecimal digits when the authentication protocol is #
# HMAC-MD5 and HMAC-SHA, respectively. A dash (-) indicates #
# that the authentication key is not specified. #
# #
# - Privacy protocol #
# #
# The privacy protocol requested for communications with the #
# SNMP agent. The valid values for privacy are "DES" and #
# "AESCFB128" for CBC-DES and AES 128-bit CFB mode, #
# respectively. A dash (-) indicates privacy was not requested. #
# #
# - Privacy key #
# #
# The privacy key to be used for communications with the SNMP #
# agent. The values are 32 and 40 hexadecimal digits when the #
# authentication protocol is HMAC-MD5 and HMAC-SHA, #
# respectively. A dash (-) indicates that the privacy key is #
# not specified. #
# #
# - Authoritative engine ID #
# #
# The authoritative engine ID to be used with SNMP agent traps. #
# The value is an even number of hexadecimal digits between 10 #
# and 64, inclusive. A dash (-) indicates the generated default #
# value. #
# #
# Sample definitions for SNMP agents appear below. They are for #
# illustrative purposes only. #
# #
# Member: KN3$SNMP #
# Purpose: #
# WCONFIG(KN3$SNMP) SNMP configuration file input to the #
# xKANSAMU(KN3SNMP) and xKANSAMU(KONSNMP) members for both #
# OMEGAMON for Networks CUA and Agent components. #
# #
# xKANSAMU(KN3SNMP) is the default value for the #
# KN3_SNMP_CONFIG_FILE LPAR RTE profile parameter. The #
# KN3_SNMP_CONFIG_FILE dataset value is concatenated in the KN3SNMP #
# DD of the OMEGAMON for Networks Agent address space and CUA #
# address space. CUA is supported in v5.3.0 and below. #
# #
# Ensure that you customize the KN3_SNMP_CONFIG_FILE parameter with #
# the KN3SNMP member of your choice (whether it is the default #
# KN3SNMP member supplied by PARMGEN in the xKANSAMU dataset, or #
# your own user controlled member. #
# Instructions: #
# 1. Add a configuration statement for each SNMP agent from which #
# data will be collected (one per TCP/IP stack). #
# Sample definitions for SNMP agents appear below. They are for #
# illustrative purposes only. #
# 2. Refer to topic "Format of the SNMP manager configuration file" #
# in the product Knowledge Center for more information about #
# this file format. #
# Refer to "Appendix F. Format of the SNMP configuration file" #
# for v5.3.0 and below. #
# 3. WCONFIG(KCIJPCCF) "Clone customized WCONFIG members" job may #
# also be used to copy this imbed to other RTEs' WCONFIG #
# libraries so the cloned RTE also starts using this imbed in #
# the runtime member where $PARSE* "Create runtime members and #
# jobs" would imbed it. #
# 4. Sample placeholder entries for user-defined system variables #
# have been set-up for modeling if this RTE will be enabled for #
# for system variables. #
# System Variables profile has the corresponding symbols #
# defined to resolve to the sample SNMP agent entry. #
# If you choose to use these entries, customize the #
# System Variables profile accordingly and enable the #
# "&SNMP_ENTRYn." entries by uncommenting out the user-defined #
# symbol to use (remove the "#" on column 1). #
# #
# Note: By default, the auto-discovered IP address (in the system #
# where the PARMGEN KCIJPUP1 job was submitted) is provided #
# for your convenience. #
####################################################################### - snmpv2 -
&SYSIPADDRESS. - snmpv2 - 2161 snmpv2 public - snmpv2 -
FF01::0001 8161 snmpv2 publicv6
FE80:1234:5678:9ABC:DEF0:1234:5678:9ABC 65161 snmpv2 -