Enabling the z/OS Communications Server network management interface

You must configure every z/OS® system where the monitoring agent is running to enable the z/OS Communication Server network management interface for FTP, TN3270, SNA, IPSec, and zERT.

z/OS Communication Server provides a set of network management interface (NMI) APIs that allow network management applications to programmatically obtain data in real time. To enable these interfaces to collect specific data types, you must update your TCP/IP profile and your VTAM® start list.

Enabling FTP and TN3270 monitoring for SMFService

Update your TCP/IP profile to include the following statement to activate the profile configuration options for FTP and TN3270 monitoring:
NETMONitor SMFService 
If you wish to collect TN3270 response time data, ensure that the BEGINVTAM block of your Telnet profile includes a MONITORGROUP statement that applies the monitoring characteristics required by the IBM® Z OMEGAMON AI for Networks monitoring agent to the set of resources in your organization that requires Telnet support. The MONITORGROUP statement defines the parameters for monitoring the performance of connections mapped to this group. At a minimum, this statement must include these parameters: AVERAGE (indicates whether sliding averages should be calculated) and BUCKETS (indicates whether time buckets are being used), as in this example:
MONITORGROUP MONGRP1                                       
MONITORMAP  MONGRP1 Client_Identifier
where Client_Identifier is one of the client identifier types supported by z/OS Communications Server. For more information about supported client identifiers, see the Client identifier types and definitions topic in the IBM z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference .
Note: Ensure that you specify Client_Identifier in a way that enables you to collect TN3270 response time data for the desired sessions. See also the No data in FTP and TN3270 workspaces topic in the IBM Tivoli® IBM Z OMEGAMON AI for Networks: Troubleshooting Guide.
To retrieve data for all TN3270 sessions, you can use the IPGROUP parameter, as shown in this example:
MONITORGROUP MONGRP1                           

Enabling SNA monitoring for SNAMGMT

Update your VTAM start list (ATCSTRxx, if LIST=xx entered) to activate Communications Storage Manager (CSM), Enterprise Extender (EE), and High Performance Routing (HPR) monitoring. Include the following statement to activate the SNA NMI:
If you modify the VTAM start list, you must stop and start VTAM for the changes to take effect.
Note: You can also activate the SNA NMI dynamically using the following MODIFY command:
F <vtam_procname>,VTAMOPTS,SNAMGMT=YES
where <vtam_procname> is the name of your VTAM procedure where the SNA NMI is to be activated. The response should look similar to the following example, indicating that the MODIFY statement was accepted:
The MODIFY statement is in effect until you either restart VTAM or issue another MODIFY command to change this setting.

Enabling IPSec monitoring for IPSEC

IPSec is enabled in the TCP profile data set. If your organization is using IP Security, then ensure that this update to the TCP/IP profile data set is already complete.

On each z/OS system where you monitor IP filters and IPSec tunnels, start the IKE daemon and Policy Agent daemon. The NMI for IP filters and IPSec tunnels is available for monitoring agents without updating the TCP/IP profile.

Enabling zERT Summary monitoring for ZERTSummary

Update your TCP/IP profile to include the following statement to activate the profile configuration options for zERT Summary monitoring:

Enabling zERT Policy monitoring for ZERTDetail

Update your TCP/IP profile to include the following statement to activate the profile configuration options for zERT Policy monitoring:

Related information for NETMONITOR tasks

  • See the IBM z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference for more information about the NETMONITOR statement.
  • When the TCP/IP profile is modified, you must stop and start TCP/IP for the changes to take effect.
    Note: You can also use the VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command to dynamically enable NETMONITOR changes until TCP/IP restarts. See the IBM z/OS Communications Server: IP System Administrator's Commands for information on how to use this command.