Finding previous PARMGEN configuration sessions
If you configured an RTE by using the PARMGEN method and exit the PARMGEN tool, you might have difficulty locating your work from the previous session when you restart the PARMGEN tool.
When you open the PARMGEN Workflow Welcome panel for the second time, the fields at the top are blank, as shown in Figure 1 and it seems that the work from your previous session is lost.
Enter PARMGEN parameter values appropriate for your environment:
GBL_USER_JCL: __________________________________________
PARMGEN global user JCL library (CONFIG DD in STCs)
RTE_PLIB_HILEV: __________________________________________
High-Level Qualifier (HLQ) of work libraries (IK*,WCONFIG,WK*)
RTE_NAME: _________ (Type ? for a list of configured RTEs)
Runtime environment (RTE) name for this LPAR
Enter n (1-11) to perform tasks. Status Date
Enter ns (1s-11s) to display detailed status. --------- ---------
1. KCIJPCFG Set up PARMGEN work environment for an RTE.
2. $JOBINDX Review PARMGEN job index.
3. KCIJPCCF Clone customized WCONFIG members. (Optional)
4. KCIJPUP1 Update interim libraries and create profiles.
5. KCIJPMC1 Merge profile from backup MIG420 (Optional)
6. KCIJPMC2 Merge profile from model RTE. (Optional)
8. MIG420 Customize PARMGEN configuration profiles.
9. KCIJPVAL Validate PARMGEN profile parameter values.
10. $PARSE Create the RTE members and jobs.
11. SUBMIT Submit batch jobs to complete PARMGEN setup.
U Utility Access PARMGEN utilities. (Optional)
R New RTE Reset RTE, Status and Date fields. (Optional)
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