TCPIP Connections Attributes
Use the TCPIP Connections attributes to display performance and identifying information for each connection.
Application Name The job name associated with the application address space that opened and bound the socket. The format is an alphanumeric string no longer than 8 characters.
Application Name and Port The Application Name and Local Port are combined in this attribute, separated by a colon. The format is a string up to 15 characters in length.
Byte Rate The number of bytes sent or received, per minute, during the most recent time interval. Throughput rate is expressed in kilobytes per minute. The format is an integer.
Bytes Received The number of bytes received over a connection during the most recent sampling interval. The format is an integer.
Bytes Sent The number of bytes sent over a connection during the most recent time interval. The format is an integer.
Bytes Sent or Received The total number of bytes sent and received during the most recent time interval. The format is an integer.
Collection Time The time and date of the data sampling. This time is displayed in the following format:
mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss (Tivoli Enterprise Portal) or yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss (3270)
- mm = Month
- dd = Day of the month
- yy = Year
- hh = Hour
- mm = Minute
- ss = Seconds
The stored format is a string no longer than 16 characters in the
(as in 1020315064501000 for
03/15/02 06:45:01) where:
- C = Century (0 for 20th, 1 for 21st)
- Y = Year
- M = Month
- D = Day
- H = Hour
- M = Minute
- S = Second
- m = Millisecond
Connection Number A unique number that identifies a connection to a TCP/IP stack. The format is an integer. This value is stored as an integer and displayed as a hexadecimal number.
Connection State The state of the connection. The format is an alphanumeric string no longer than 12 characters. The TCP/IP connection states that OMEGAMON® monitors can be very brief, with normal durations in milliseconds, where the following states are possible:
- CLOSED The end state of a TCP connection; this state means the TCP connection no longer exists.
- CLOSE_WAIT A state in which the connection is waiting for a connection termination request from the local port.
- CLOSING A state in which the connection is waiting for a connection termination request acknowledgment from the remote TCP.
- ESTABLISHED A state in which the connection is established.
- FIN_WAIT_1 A state in which the connection is waiting for a connection termination request from the remote TCP or an acknowledgement of the connection termination request.
- FIN_WAIT_2 A state in which the connection is waiting for a connection termination request from the remote TCP.
- LAST_ACK A state in which the connection is waiting for an acknowledgment of the connection termination request it sent to the remote TCP.
- LISTEN A state in which the connection is waiting for a connection request from any remote TCP and port.
- SYN_RECEIVED A state in which the connection is waiting for a confirming connection request acknowledgement after receiving and sending a connection request.
- SYN_SENT A state in which the connection is waiting for a matching connection request after a connection request was sent. If a connection is in this state for two successive sample intervals, an exception is generated.
- TIME_WAIT A state in which the host waits to ensure that a remote TCP has received a connection termination request. After the wait time is over, the socket pair that uniquely defines the connection is available for reuse.
- UDP A state in which a UDP endpoint exists between the stack and the remote IP address and port.
Connection Type Specifies the type of connection that is either a UDP endpoint, TCP connection or TCP listener. This is specified as one of the following:
- L = TCP_Listener
- T = TCP_Connection
- U = UDP_Endpoint
Datagram Rate The number of datagrams, per minute, transmitted to or from this connection during the most recent time interval. The format is an integer.
Datagrams Received The total number of datagrams the local port received during the most recent time interval. The format is an integer.
Datagrams Sent The total number of datagrams the local port transmitted during the most recent time interval. The format is an integer.
Datagrams Sent or Received The total number of datagrams (both sent and received) on the local port during the most recent time interval. The format is an integer.
DVIPA Identifies when the Local IP Address is a Dynamic Virtual IP Addressing (DVIPA) address. This value is stored as an integer and displayed as a string. The following are valid values:
- 0 = [blank] Not available
- 1 = Yes
- 2 = No
Foreign IP Address The IP address of the remote end of the connection, which might be in the same host or in another host. The format is an alphanumeric string no longer than 45 characters.
Foreign Port The port number to which the remote end of the connection is bound. The format is an unsigned integer.
Foreign Port String The port number to which the remote end of the connection is bound. The format is an alphanumeric string no longer than 6 characters.
Foreign Socket The remote end of the connection, which might be in the same host or in another host. The format is an alphanumeric string no longer than 23 characters.
Hex Connection Number A unique hexadecimal number that identifies a connection to a TCP/IP stack. This value is displayed as a 8-digit hexadecimal string.
Host Name The host name of the TCP/IP stack. The format is an alphanumeric string no longer than 255 characters.
Local IP Address The local IP address for this connection. For UDP endpoints, a value of (or ::) in this field indicates that the UDP endpoint is accepting datagrams from any local IP address. For TCP listeners, this IP address is (or ::) when the application is accepting connections to any local IP address. The format is a string up to 45 characters in length.
Local Port The local port for this connection. The format is an alphanumeric string no longer than 6 characters. The Local Port attribute is displayed as an unsigned integer and not a string. This field no longer displays in the product-provided workspace.
Local Port The local port for this connection. The format is an unsigned integer.
Origin Node The unique identifier for the TCP/IP stack being displayed. The format is an alphanumeric string no longer than 32 characters.
Percent Segments Retransmitted The percentage of TCP segments that required retransmission over this connection. A segment is retransmitted whenever the receiver does not acknowledge receipt and a timeout occurs.
The percentage is calculated as:
(TCP ReXmit Pct) = (Retransmitted TCP Segments) divided by (TCP Segments Out)
Response Time The elapsed time (in tenths of a second) from when the segment was sent to when the acknowledgment was received. The format is a real number.
Response Time Variance The statistical variation of round trip times since the connection was established. The format is a real number.
Segments Retransmitted The number of segments retransmitted over this connection during the most recent sampling interval.
System ID The SMF system ID. The format is an alphanumeric string no longer than 4 characters.
TCPIP STC Name The name of the TCP/IP job. The format is an alphanumeric string no longer than 8 characters.
Telnet Appl Name The VTAM® application name that Telnet uses. The remote TCP/IP application and the local Telnet to permit VTAM and TCP/IP applications to communicate over TCP/IP networks. The format is an alphanumeric string no longer than 8 characters.
Telnet LU Name The VTAM logical unit name that Telnet uses to communicate with a VTAM application on this host. When a TCP/IP application requests a session with a VTAM application, a VTAM LU is assigned from the Telnet pool to allow TCP/IP and VTAM to communicate. The format is an alphanumeric string no longer than 8 characters.
Time Since Last Activity The amount of time since the most recent activity on this connection. This value is stored in hundreds of a second (for example, one second is stored as 100) and displayed as a time value (for example, 4.17000s or 4m 20s).
Total Bytes The total number of bytes sent and received since the connection started. The format is a long long integer.
Total Bytes (deprecated) The total number of bytes sent and received since the connection started. When the value in the Total Bytes field exceeds 1,073,741,823, the number is divided by 1,073,741,824. The quotient is stored in the Total Bytes (in GB) field and the remainder is stored in the Total Bytes field. The format is an integer.
Total Bytes (in GB) (deprecated) The total number of bytes sent and received since the connection started, divided by 1,073,741,824. When the value in the Total Bytes field exceeds 1,073,741,823, the number is divided by 1,073,741,824. The quotient is stored in the Total Bytes (in GB) field and the remainder is stored in the Total Bytes field. The format is an integer.
Total Bytes Received The total number of bytes received since the connection started. The format is a long long integer.
Total Bytes Received (deprecated) The total number of bytes received since the connection started. When the value in the Total Bytes Received field exceeds 1,073,741,823 (1 GB), the number is divided by 1,073,741,824. The quotient is stored in the Total Bytes Received (in GB) field and the remainder is stored in the Total Bytes Received field. The format is an integer.
Total Bytes Received (in GB) (deprecated) The total number of bytes received since the connection started, divided by 1,073,741,824. When the value in the Total Bytes Receivedfield exceeds 1,073,741,823 (1 GB), the number is divided by 1,073,741,824. The quotient is stored in the Total Bytes Received (in GB) field and the remainder is stored in the Total Bytes Received field. The format is an integer.
Total Bytes Sent (deprecated) The total number of bytes sent since the connection started. When the value in the Total Bytes Sent field exceeds 1,073,741,823 (1 GB), the number is divided by 1,073,741,824. The quotient is stored in the Total Bytes Sent (in GB) field and the remainder is stored in the Total Bytes Sent field. The format is an integer.
Total Bytes Sent The total number of bytes sent since the connection started. The format is a long long integer.
Total Bytes Sent (in GB) (deprecated) The total number of bytes sent since the connection started, divided by 1,073,741,824. When the value in the Total Bytes Sent field exceeds 1,073,741,823 (1 GB), the number is divided by 1,073,741,824. The quotient is stored in the Total Bytes Sent (in GB) field and the remainder is stored in the Total Bytes Sent field. The format is an integer.
Total Datagrams The total number of all datagrams this connection sent and received since the connection started. The format is an integer.
Total Datagrams Received The total number of datagrams this connection received since the connection started. The format is an integer.
Total Datagrams Sent The total number of datagrams this connection sent since the connection started. The format is an integer.
Total Segments Retransmitted The total number of segments retransmitted over this connection. Retransmissions occur when a TCP segment is sent, but the receiving host does not acknowledge it within a specified timeout period. Hardware errors and network congestion can cause time-outs. The format is an integer.