KN3 TCP Conn Stats attributes

Use the KN3 TCP Conn Stats attributes to display performance information for a specific connection.

Application Name The job name associated with the application address space that opened and bound the socket.

Agent STC Name The TEMA job name.

Byte Rate The number of bytes sent or received per minute during the most recent time interval.

Bytes Received The number of bytes received during the most recent time interval.

Bytes Sent The number of bytes sent during the most recent time interval.

Bytes Sent or Received The number of sent or received bytes during the most recent time interval.

Collection Time The time and date of the data sampling.

Congestion Window Size Congestion window size. The format is an unsigned integer.

Duplicate ACKs The number of duplicate ACKs received for this connection. The format is an unsigned integer.

Hex Connection Number The hex representation of the connection number.

Inbound Bytes Buffered Number of inbound bytes buffered. The format is an unsigned integer.

Inbound Interface Name Linkname of receiving interface.

Inbound Queued Data Time Stamp Time stamp of oldest queued data to receive.

Local IP Address The local IP address for this connection. For UDP end points, a value of in this field indicates that the UDP end point will accept datagrams from any local IP address. For TCP listeners, this IP address will be zero when the application will accept connections to any local IP address.

LPAR Name The name of the LPAR from which this data was retrieved.

Local Port The local port for this connection.

Local Port String The local port for this connection as a string.

Local Window Size Frequency Number of times local window size was set to zero during the most recent time interval.

Maximum Send Window Size Maximum send window size. The format is an unsigned integer.

Outbound Bytes Buffered Number of outgoing bytes buffered. The format is an unsigned integer.

Outbound Interface Name The name of the interface used to send the most recent outbound segment.

Outbound Queued Data Time Stamp Time stamp of oldest queued data to send.

Out of Order Rate The number of out-of-order segments per minute received during the most recent time interval.

Out of Order Segments The number of out-of-order segments received during the most recent time interval.

Origin Node Unique identifier for the TCP/IP stack being displayed.

Percent Out of Order Segments Percent of segments received that were out-of order during the most recent time interval

Percent Segments Retransmitted The percent of TCP segments that required retransmission over this connection.

Receive Byte Rate Number of bytes received per minute during the most recent time interval.

Receive Segment Rate Number of segments received per minute during the most recent time interval.

Receive Window Size The receive window size for the connection. The format is an unsigned integer.

Remote IP Address The remote IP address for this connection.

Remote Port The remote port for this connection.

Remote Port String The remote port for this connection as a string.

Remote Window Size Frequency Number of times remote window size was set to zero during the most recent time interval.

Retransmission Rate Number of segments retransmitted per minute during the most recent time interval.

Segment Rate Number of segments transmitted or received per minute during the most recent time interval.

Segments Received The number of segments received during the most recent time interval.

Segments Retransmitted The number of segments retransmitted over this connection during most recent time interval.

Segments Sent The number of segments sent during the most recent time interval.

Segments Sent or Received The number of segments sent and received during the most recent time interval.

Send Window Size The send window size for the connection. The format is an unsigned integer.

System ID The SMF system ID.

Sysplex Name The name of the sysplex that the monitored system is part of.

TCPIP STC Name The TCP/IP job name.

Total Bytes The number of sent or received bytes since the connection started.

Total Bytes Sent The number of outbound bytes since the connection started. The format is a long long integer.

Total Bytes Received The number of bytes received since the connection started. The format is a long long integer.

Transmit Byte Rate Number of bytes transmitted per minute during the most recent time interval.

Transmit Segment Rate Number of segments transmitted per minute during the most recent time interval.

Total Segments Sent The number of segments sent since the connection started.

Total Segments Received The number of segments received since the connection started.

Total Segments The number of segments sent or received since the connection started.

Total Segments Retransmitted The number of segments retransmitted over this connection since the connection started.

Total Out of Order Segments The number of out-of-order segments received since the connection started.