Define the dynamic link

In this step you create a link to the target workspace.

About this task

When you define the link, you identify the target workspace and specify the attributes whose values are passed to the script to use to navigate to the relevant NetView for z/OS® screen.

Follow these steps to create a link between a source IBM® Z OMEGAMON AI for Networks workspace and a related NetView for z/OS screen:


  1. Open the workspace that you want to link from. In this example, we will link to the Applications workspace as shown in Figure 1:
    Figure 1. Workspace Link Wizard showing the list of target workspaces
    Workspace Link Wizard showing the list of target workspaces
  2. Right-click in a row in the table view from which you want to create the link and select Link to > Link Wizard (if there are no existing links in the row) or Link Wizard (if there are existing links) from the popup menu.
  3. On the Link Wizard Welcome window, select Create a new link and click Next.
  4. On the Link Name window, type a Name and Description to identify the link and click Next.
  5. On the Link Type window, select Dynamic as the link type and click Next.
  6. In the Navigator pane of the Target Workspace window, expand the branches and select the Target node, as in this example of the Connections workspace shown in Figure 2. Note that "cloned" workspaces are listed under the node associated with the workspace they are cloned from.
    Figure 2. Workspace Link Wizard showing the list of target workspaces
    Workspace Link Wizard showing the list of target workspaces
  7. In the Workspace pane, select the workspace to target and click Next.
  8. In the Target Filters window, select SMFID and click Modify Expression to open the Expression Editor.
  9. In the Expression Editor, click Symbol to open the Symbols list.
  10. Expand the Agent node and select System ID, and shown in Figure 3:
    Figure 3. Workspace Link Wizard - Target Filters window, with Symbols window open and the Node symbol selected beneath Agent.
    Workspace Link Wizard - Target Filters window, with Symbols window open and the Node symbol selected beneath Agent.
  11. Click OK to close the Symbols list and OK again to close the Expression editor.
    System ID appears as the expression for SMFID.
  12. Click Next to open the Parameters window.
  13. In the Parameters window, click Add Symbol and provide a symbol name for the first attribute whose value you want to pass to the navigation script, then click OK to add the symbol to the Parameter panel.
  14. Select the symbol you just added, then click Modify Expression.
  15. In the Expression Editor, click Symbol and select the name of the attribute whose value you want to associate with the symbol you just named, as shown in Figure 4:
    Figure 4. Symbols window open over the Expression editor and the Workspace Link Wizard, with Attributes node expanded
    Symbols window open over the Expression editor and the Workspace Link Wizard, with Attributes node expanded
    The list is a reverse hierarchy of available symbols starting from the source context and the current Navigator item and ending at the root Navigator item.
  16. Click OK to close the Symbol window, then click OK again to close the Expression editor.
    The attribute name is added in the expression window.
  17. Repeat steps 12–15 until you have added all the attributes whose values you want passed to the script, then click Next. The Summary window is displayed.
  18. Review the description of the link that is going to be created. If you want to change something about the link, click Back. If the description is correct, click Finish.
    The Wizard closes, and the link is added to the view.