OMEGAMON IMSplex workspaces
To help you efficiently access the IMSplex system-level workspaces, review the list of entries for the data sharing group workspaces and shared queues group workspaces on the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Navigator.
z/OS® helps you manage the
performance and availability of IMS systems across your enterprise and IMS systems that are
participating in a Parallel Sysplex. IMSplex information shows the data sharing and shared queue
groups that you are monitoring:
- For data sharing groups, coupling facility statistics and global lock conflicts can be viewed.
- For shared queue groups, summaries are provided for items on the shared queue by queue type and coupling facility statistics for the shared queue structures.
The child topics list all the IMSplex workspaces and include descriptions of each IMSplex
workspace, which helps you gather exactly the information that you require to detect and prevent
problems. Based on the information that these workspaces provide, you can set up situations, change
the situations, and verify that your changes improve performance.
Important: The child
topics relate only to your Tivoli Enterprise Portal
configuration. For information about using the OMEGAMON
enhanced 3270 user interface, see the OMEGAMON
Enhanced 3270 User Interface Guide
IMSplex-level workspace
The IMSplex-level workspace displays a high-level overview of each IMS system that is monitored by the agents.
Data Sharing Group workspace
The following
list of predefined workspaces mimics the structure of the Navigator
tree Data Sharing Group subnode:
- Coupling Facility Data Sharing Structures
- Global Lock Conflicts
- IMS Dependent Regions workspace for a single region (if the lock owner or waiter is a message or batch message processing type region)
- DBCTL Thread Details workspace for a single thread (if the lock owner or waiter is a DBCTL thread)
- CICS® Transaction Analysis of OMEGAMON for CICS on z/OS (if a lock owner or waiter originates from a CICS transaction and the CICS target node is available)
- IMS DBCTL Thread Summaries
(data sharing group-level workspace)
- IMS DBCTL Thread Summaries
(IMS node-level workspace)
- DBCTL Detailed Thread Activity (Active, for all Active Threads)
- DBCTL Thread Call Statistics
- DBCTL Detailed Thread Activity (Available, for all Available Threads)
- DBCTL Detailed Thread Activity (Unavailable, for all Unavailable Threads)
- DBCTL Detailed Thread Activity (Indoubt, for all Indoubt threads)
- DBCTL Detailed Thread Activity (for all Active, Available, and
Unavailable threads)
- DBCTL Thread Call Statistics (if the thread state is Active)
- DBCTL Detailed Thread Activity (Active, for all Active Threads)
- IMS DBCTL Thread Summaries
(IMS node-level workspace)
Shared Queues Group workspace
The following
list of predefined workspaces mimics the structure of the Navigator
tree Shared Queues Group subnode:
- Coupling Facility Shared Queues Structures
- Shared Transaction Queue Summaries
- Shared Transaction Queue Detail
- Shared Fast Path Program Queue Summaries
- Shared Fast Path Program Queue Detail
- Shared LTERM Queue Summaries
- Shared LTERM Detail Data
- Shared APPC Queue Summaries
- Shared APPC Queue TPname Summaries (Show TPname summaries for selected LU name by selecting a link on the Shared APPC Queue Summaries workspace OR show TPname summaries for all LU names by right-clicking on Shared APPC Queue Summaries from the Navigator tree.)
- Shared OTMA Queues Summary
- Shared OTMA Queues TPipe Summaries (Show TPipe summaries for the selected TMember by selecting a link on the Shared OTMA Queues Summary workspace OR show TPipes for all TMembers by right-clicking on Shared OTMA Queues Summary from the Navigator tree.)
- Shared Cold Queues Summary
- Shared Cold Queues Summaries for All Destinations (an alternate workspace available by right-clicking on the Shared Cold Queues Summary item)
- Shared Cold Queues - APPC Summaries
- Shared Cold Queues - LTERM Summaries
- Shared Cold Queues - OTMA Summaries
- Shared Cold Queues - Remote Summaries
- Shared Cold Queues - Transaction Summaries