IMS Dependent Region Details workspace
The IMS Dependent Region Details (KIPDEPD) workspace displays detailed information for a selected region. You can see the region and status data; elapsed wait times, scheduling statistics, and z/OS attributes; DL/I call data, and OTMA information.
The IMS Dependent Region Details workspace contains the following subpanels:
- Response Information and Status
- Elapsed Wait Times, Scheduling Statistics, and z/OS Attributes
- DL/I Call Summary and Database I/O
- DL/I Database Calls
- DL/I Message Calls
- DL/I System Service Calls
- Most Recent DL/I Call Information
- OTMA Information for Region
Note: To move down the page to see all the subpanels, press F8 on the first page. OTMA data is
displayed only if a Tmember name exists, that is, if the Tmember value is not equal to N/A.