Enterprise Summary workspace

The Enterprise Summary (KOBSTART) workspace serves as a dashboard for the OMEGAMON suite of products that use the enhanced 3270 user interface. This master panel contains a subpanel for each monitoring agent.


The Enterprise Summary workspace contains the following subpanels:
  • Monitored IMS subsystems subpanel
  • Subpanels for multiple monitoring agents, which are displayed only if multiple monitoring agents are installed that use the enhanced 3270 user interface, for example, CICS and Db2.
Note: The KOBSTART panel has several subpanels, and one panel is for each product. The subpanel for IMS is the same subpanel that is displayed in the Monitored Systems workspace (KIPMONS) panel.


For each IMS that you select in the Monitored IMS subsystems subpanel, you can use the Options pop-up menu to navigate to the following workspace destinations:
Table 1. Navigation for the Monitored IMS Subsystems (KOBSTART) subpanel
Navigation destination Option letter
IMS Health workspace for an IMSplex P
Note: This option is available only if an IMSplex exists, which means that the IMSplex name that corresponds to the select IMS is not blank.
IMS Health workspace for an IMS S