Preparing to install and start OMEGAMON for IMS Classic in TSO mode

Installing the OMEGAMON for IMS Classic Realtime Monitor in TSO mode is more complicated than installing the OMEGAMON for IMS Classic Realtime Monitor in VTAM® or dedicated mode.

About this task

  • OMEGAMON for IMS Classic communicates with the TSO address space by using VTM1, an IBM-provided VTAM application.
  • Up to 99 persons can operate OMEGAMON for IMS Classic, each from an individual terminal. Because TSO is in widespread use, multiple users can access OMEGAMON for IMS Classic.
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  1. Define virtual terminals to VTAM.
    1. Define the VTM1 application program as an application to VTAM in SYS1.VTAMLST. The VTM1 program communicates between OMEGAMON for IMS Classic and TSO address spaces through a virtual terminal interface.

      IBM® provides a sample application major node definition in rhilev.RKANSAMU(ccccccmp), where ccccccmp is the major node name you specified for VTAM by using PARMGEN.

    2. To provide support for OMEGAMON for IMS Classic sessions under more than one TSO or ISPF, you must install VTM1 in every VTAM domain that controls a TSO.
  2. Define the VTPOOL to VTM1.
    1. Use member KOBVTPL in data set thilev.TKANSAM, which contains a sample VTPOOL definition. This sample defines a virtual terminal pool that contains 25 terminals, and establishes default VTAM LOGMODE names for models 2, 3, 4, and 5; 3270-type devices; and a native-mode 3290.
      During the normal product installation, the sample VTPOOL definition is installed.
    2. If the sample suits requirements at your site, the definition for VTM1 is complete. If the sample is inadequate, edit KOBVTPL in thilev.TKANSAM(KOBVTPL).
      The member also contains information about any additional steps you must complete. The sample definition might require change for any of the following reasons:
      • Size of the virtual terminal pool does not satisfy requirements at your site.
      • Names of the virtual terminals do not satisfy the naming conventions at your site.
      • VTAM LOGMODE name defaults are inappropriate.
    3. To make VTPOOL changes, such as changing the sample VTPOOL definition, change KOBVTPL in thilev.TKANSAM.
      The member also contains information about any additional steps you must complete. Remember, when you change the number of virtual terminals in the pool, that OMEGAMON® products can share VTPOOL. Consider the number of all concurrent OMEGAMON users when you consider the size of the pool.
  3. Define the virtual terminals.
    1. Use data set member KOBVT1AP in thilev.TKANSAM, which contains a VTAM application major node definition that includes an APPL definition statement for every virtual terminal that the sample VTPOOL defines. If you must not change the sample VTPOOL, save this major node definition in SYS1.VTAMLST.
    2. If you change the VTPOOL that affects either the number of virtual terminals or the names of the virtual terminals, make corresponding changes to the major node definition before you save it.
    3. Be aware of the following limitations for network and ACB names:
      • VTPOOL defines the ACB name to VTM1, so the VTAM definition must reflect the name that is defined to VTM1.
      • The network name can differ from the ACB name, which you might find useful if you must support multiple VTAM hosts.
      • The VTPOOL $VTAPPL definition statement determines the ACB names of the virtual terminals
      The first portion of the names, up to six characters, is taken from the value of the VTAPPL keyword. A two-character suffix is added based on the value of the APPL# keyword, which can range from 01 to 99, inclusive. For example, if a $VTAPPL statement is coded with VTAPPL=OBVTM1 and APPL#=25, a combination of the two keyword values results in 25 ACB names, OBVTM101 through OBVTM125.
  4. Install TSO CLISTs.
    1. Use the sample job stream in member KOICPYCV to copy the six executable CLIST members from the sample data set to a CLIST data set of your choice.
      The sample CLIST members that IBM provides for TSO operation are in thilev.TKANSAM. You can use any of the six executable CLIST members that IBM supplies either as is or as templates for creating your own CLISTs.
    2. Copy member KOICPYCV to rhilev.RKANPARU.
    3. Edit KOICPYCV with the changes that the comments in the member indicate.
    4. Submit this IEBGENER job stream for execution to copy the CLIST member.
    5. Modify any parameter as appropriate for your site.
      The default parameters for the KOICLSTV member are listed in KOI CLIST default parameters.
    6. To make your CLIST available to users who access OMEGAMON through TSO or ISPF, add your CLIST data set to the concatenation of CLISTs in the logon procedure for each user.