The KIPWIPER utility operates in one of two modes: REPORT and CLEAN. The REPORT option provides a non-invasive method for determining all active OMEGAMON® for IMS monitoring sessions. The CLEAN option, with the FORCE parameter specified, provides a method for removing OMEGAMON artifacts from memory and for releasing any common storage.
The parameters are:
- This option directs the KIPWIPER utility to report any active OMEGAMON for IMS (3270) monitoring tasks and IMS systems. All information is written to the activity log (SYSPRINT). The REPORT parameter is mutually exclusive of CLEAN and FORCE.
- This option directs the KIPWIPER utility to release all common storage in use by the OMEGAMON program because some common storage remains even after the OMEGAMON program terminates. This option first discovers all active OMEGAMON for IMS (3270) monitoring tasks and issues a z/OS® STOP (P) command for each task. The utility waits up to 5 minutes to ensure that all OMEGAMON tasks terminate. If any OMEGAMON tasks are still active after 5 minutes, the KIPWIPER utility terminates the tasks with a return code of 8 (RC=8).
- This option can either be specified alone or with CLEAN option. The FORCE option operates in the same way as the CLEAN option, but includes an additional function. In the case where an OMEGAMON task does not terminate within 5 minutes, the FORCE option issues a z/OS cancel on the OMEGAMON task. Exercise caution with this option; the primary reason for the OMEGAMON task not terminating within this period is that the OMEGAMON task is actively monitoring an IMS application in a DL/I call. Canceling the OMEGAMON task can cause IMS to terminate as well.
- This option logs activity for IBM® Software Support. Use this option only when directed by IBM Software Support personnel.