Problems with cross-product linking when you link from an OMEGAMON version 5.5.0 workspace to an OMEGAMON version 5.3.0 workspace
You can use dynamic workspace linking to link from an OMEGAMON® workspace to another OMEGAMON workspace if the target workspace exists in the product. If the target workspace does not exist, the KFWITM081E message displays.
If you migrate from OMEGAMON version 5.3.0 products to OMEGAMON version 5.5.0 products, a combination of version 5.3.0 and version 5.5.0 monitoring agents might be installed in your environment. For example, an IBM® OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS® version 5.5.0 monitoring agent and an OMEGAMON on z/OS version 5.3.0 monitoring agent might run on the same z/OS system during the migration.
In this migration scenario, you can use dynamic workspace linking to link from an OMEGAMON version 5.5.0 workspace to the workspace of another 5.3.0 OMEGAMON version, if the target workspace exists in the version 5.3.0 product. If the target workspace does not exist, the KFWITM081E message displays.
If the 5.5.0 version of the target workspace is modified, for example to accept link parameters to limit the data that is displayed, you might notice different behavior when you migrate the target product from version 5.3.0 to version 5.5.0.