Capturing z/OS logs to send to IBM Software Support

As you collect logs, remember to create an exact description of the problem and to document the exact navigation path that produced the error. For reproducible problems, screen prints might also help you with problem determination and are useful to have if you require IBM® Software Support assistance.

Tivoli® Enterprise monitoring agents generate log files that contain messages and trace information about system events and processing. Log files provide a complete record of problems and system activity. Log files for OMEGAMON® monitoring agents on z/OS® are created when you start the monitoring agent and are defined in the started procedure. You can view the log files with any text editor.

When you investigate problems with an OMEGAMON monitoring agent on z/OS, view the sysout data sets or spool files in the job output. View the z/OS system log for any messages that might pertain to the problem.

You might be asked by IBM Software Support to save a log and sent it to them. You can save a log file to send to IBM Software Support. You can close the current RKLVLOG spool data set and open a new one. You can flush the log buffers and ensure that new messages write to the new RKLVLOG.