The COMMAND control statement

The COMMAND control statement specifies the name of an OMEGAMON for IMS Classic major, immediate, or INFO-line command that you want to protect.

OMEGAMON for IMS Classic protects minor commands at the major command level unless you specify the MINOR control statement. OMEGAMON for IMS Classic always processes the last COMMAND statement for the command. OMEGAMON for IMS Classic does not check for multiple COMMAND statements for the same command in the same run.


The format of COMMAND is

Where cccc, ccc, or /cccccc is the name of the OMEGAMON for IMS Classic command you want to protect.

To have the control statement listing show the current security settings for a command, enter a COMMAND=cccc, COMMAND=.ccc, or COMMAND==/cccccc statement with no additional operands.


COMMAND accepts the following keywords:

Specifies the internal security level that is associated with this command.
  • Level 0 allows the command to run without an internal security check.
  • Levels 1, 2, and 3 specify that the command runs only if you previously entered the corresponding password for that level, or for a higher level, by using the /PWD INFO-line command.
  • DISABLE specifies that OMEGAMON for IMS Classic is never to run the command.

You can audit attempts to run the command for the session, but you cannot specify internal or external security.

Specifies whether an external security package checks this command.

OMEGAMON for IMS Classic ignores the EXTERNAL keyword if you specify LEVEL=DISABLE.

If you code EXTERNAL=YES for a command and no exit routine is available, OMEGAMON for IMS Classic completes one of the following steps:

  • Disables the command for the session if the associated security level is 0
  • Defaults to internal security if the command security level is 1, 2, or 3

After you specify EXTERNAL=YES, you can change EXTERNAL only by specifying EXTERNAL=NO and by rerunning the security update program.

Specifies whether OMEGAMON for IMS Classic is to audit the command each time a user starts it. The possible values are as follows:
Produces a one line message on the master console.
Specifies that OMEGAMON for IMS Classic write an SMF record. You must specify the SMF record number in the SMFNUM control statement.

If OMEGAMON for IMS Classic cannot complete the SMF audit, OMEGAMON for IMS Classic defaults to a WTO audit. For information about setting up the SMF audit, see Generating the System Management Facilities (SMF) report.

Specifies that OMEGAMON for IMS Classic issue a WTO message to a console and write an SMF record.
Specifies no auditing. This setting is the default setting.

If you specify an audit for a disabled command, OMEGAMON for IMS Classic notifies you of attempts to run the command.