Specifying agent SNA communication values

If the agent requires SNA support, you specify or accept the default for the VTAM® Applid prefix. There is only one set of VTAM Applid per agent address space regardless of how many agents share it.


Note: The Configuration Tool is no longer available. You use PARMGEN to specify the settings. See Modifying VTAM node and application definitions.

  1. To specify VTAM values, press F6 on the Specify Agent SNA Configuration Values panel.
    The Specify VTAM Applid Values panel displays.
  2. Specify or accept defaults for the VTAM values as shown in the following table.
    Table 1. VTAM values
    Component Description
    Major node Name of VTAM major node that contains all the VTAM Applid definitions for this product. This name is also used to activate the VTAM Applid for this product.
    Note: You copy VTAM definitions to the VTAM list.
    Agent to Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server connection VTAM Applid that is used by the agent for NCS communications to the monitoring server.
    IBM® Tivoli® Management Services:Engine operator VTAM Applid for logging on to the operator facility.
    IBM Tivoli Management Services:Engine VTAM program operator VTAM program operator logon - VTAM Applid for issuing VTAM commands through the IBM Tivoli Management Services:Engine operator facility.
    Alert Adapter VTAM Applid for Alert Adapter to Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server communications.
  3. Press Enter to accept the SNA communication values.