How to create KIPGLB members and other sample JCL jobs
PARMGEN creates sample JCL in the xKANSAMU data set that you can run during post-configuration steps to create your KIPGLB members. The samples include stand-alone JCL that you can run at any time to create and verify KIPGLB members.
- KIPGLJOB is a composite job that PARMGEN provides which you can
run to create all of the KIPGLB members for the runtime environment
(RTE). The members are created in the
data set. An existing member is replaced if the job creates a new member with the same name. - KIPGLCxx
- KIPGLCxx is a job that PARMGEN provides which
you can run to create the KIPGLB member with the xx suffix.
There might be many KIPGLCxx jobs based on how many
rows are defined and whether each row uses a uniqueKI2_I1nn_CLASSIC_GLOBAL
value. The member is created in theGBL_DSN_GLOBAL_SOURCE_LIB
data set. An existing member is replaced if the job creates a new member with the same name. - KIPGLVxx
- KIPGLVxx is a job that PARMGEN provides which you can run to verify the contents of the KIPGLB member with the xx suffix. There is a KIPGLVxx member for each KIPGLCxx member. As you edit your KIPGLB members, you might want to run the verify job to check their contents.
- KIPGLBCR is stand-alone JCL that you can run at any time to create
a KIPGLB member with the default settings. You must specify the suffix
for the new KIPGLB member before you run KIPGLBCR. The member is created
in the
data set. After you update the new member, run KIPGLBVR to verify the contents. - KIPGLBVR
- KIPGLBVR is stand-alone JCL that you can run at any time to verify the contents of one or more KIPGLB members. Before you run KIPGLBVR, you must specify the suffix of the KIPGLB member that you want to verify or use the * wildcard to verify multiple KIPGLB members.
- If you are upgrading to version 5.5.0, you must convert your KOIGBL
load modules to KIPGLB source members. KIPGLBCV is stand-alone JCL that you can run at any
time to convert the KOIGLB load modules. You must specify the load library that contains the
KOIGBL load modules before you run KIPGLBCV. The KIPGLB members are created in the
data set.If you upgrade into the same runtime environment as your version 5.3.0 installation, then PARMGEN automatically converts the KOIGBL globals that it locates in the RKANMODU load library. If you upgrade by using new runtime data sets (similar to a new RTE deployment), you can use the KIPGLBCV stand-alone JCL to convert the KOIGBL load modules. Or, if you upgrade by using a clone scenario, you can review the KCIJPCLN job in the PARMGEN post-configuration instructions, which can be used to convert the KOIGBL load modules as part of your post-configuration steps.